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InterVideo WinDVD BD for VAIO

InterVideo WinDVD BD for VAIO

I have a Sony VAIO VGN-AR51M and it plays most bluray dvds. When i load up WinDVD BD it comes up with the message 'The AACS Key has expired. You may not be able to play back some titles. Press "Yes" to update.' If i press yes it signs me into to correl and comes up with an error message saying 'Error Code: R03-Explanation:Cannot find matching AACS Key or patch.' If i press no to the update it lets me play most movies such as 'BLACK HAWK DOWN' AND '300' but wont let me play a new dvd (Green street 2) and says 'WinDVD stops plaback because of AACS error check' and goes to a blank screen. I have downloaded all available updates from Sony.
Please can anyone help? Greatly appreciated.
Please can nobody tell me to by other software.Thank you.


Is there any way of contacting VAIO support at the weekend?

A lso i dont know wether this could be the reason but corel have brought out WinDVD 9 :thinking:

Is there any way of contacting VAIO support at the weekend? 

Unfortunately not, you could try emailing them but I doubt you'll get a reply.. :slight_frown:

Also i dont know wether this could be the reason but corel have brought out WinDVD 9

The retail copy is different to the Sony supplied OEM version of Win DVD and unfortunately Sony are a little slow in releasing the updates that allow the newer versions of Blu Ray movies to play.. :slight_smile:

Ahhh now i understand. Anyway thanks for your help and hopefully Sony will release a new compatability update soon :slight_smile:

You're welcome and I hope so too.. :slight_smile:

If any body gets any information on new downloads for blu-ray compatability for WinDVD BD for VAIO please can you paste the link here. Thanks again :slight_smile:

Also i would like to know if anyone else has this problem to see if it a software problem and not my version. Thanks. MARK :smileygrin:

Still awaiting reply from sony regarding whether there is any new updates :slight_frown:

Just wondering whether anyone else had the same problem and has resolved it? :slight_smile:


Still no reply from sony after 6 days and 3 sent emails :slight_frown:

I have tried to ring them but been unable to get through, might try again next week. :slight_smile:

After several emails to Sony i am just being told to download the latest updates for my model which i have already got and they can't seem to grasp the fact that this is the case :thinking:

Yet again the only reply is download these updates and a link :angry:

When will they understand :thinking:


Hi Mark, This is Nicholas Mofokeng from Sony VAIO Support Team.

I will put this solution here for future use since you gave me this link to access your problem.

I will have also sent you the solution through your email.

The solution is as follows and hope this will help you.

First the Corel Web page must be added as a Trusted Website in the Internet Explorer software.

1.Click the Start button, and then click Internet Explorer .
2.In the Internet Explorer window, click the Tools button.
3.On the Tools menu, click Internet Options .
4.In the Internet Options window, click the Security tab.
5.On the Security tab, under Select a zone to view or change the security settings , click the Trusted sites icon, and then click the Sites button.
6.In the Trusted sites window, under Add this website to the zone , type the Web site URL address (for example ), click to clear the check from the box next to Require server verification for all sites in this zone , and then click the Add button.
NOTE: The box next to Require server verification for all sites in this zone must be clear before the Add button is clicked or an error message will appear.
7.In the Trusted sites window, click the Close button.
8.In the Internet Options window, click the OK button.

In the Internet Explorer window, click the X in the upper-right corner to close the window

Then proceed as follows:
1.Insert the Blu-ray Disc (BD) movie into the Blu-ray Disc (BD) drive.
2.Click the Start button, click All Programs , click InterVideo WinDVD , and then click InterVideo WinDVD BD for VAIO .
3.At the AACS Key has expired error message, click Yes.
4.On the Corel DRM system on Vista Web page, click the Next button.
5.On the Corel Account Web page, if you already have a Corel account, use your existing user name and password to continue. If you do not have an account, in the New User field, click to select Personal and then click the Submit button.
NOTE: New Users will have to enter the necessary contact information to complete the COREL Account registration and, once all required information has been provided, click the Submit button.
6.On the Patch download Web page, click the link to begin the patch download.
NOTE: The word "here " is the link.
7.In the File Download window, click the Save button, and save the file to the Desktop .
8.In the WinDVD BD for VAIO window, click the X in the upper-right corner to close the window.
9.On the Desktop , double-click the just downloaded WinDVD .exe file.
10.In the Do you want to run this software prompt, click the Run button.
11.At the Update Module Setup prompt, click the OK button.
12.Restart the computer
13.Click the Start button, click All Programs , click InterVideo WinDVD , and then click InterVideo WinDVD BD for VAIO .
14.At the AACS Key has expired error message, click Yes .
15.On the Corel DRM system on Vista Web page, click the Next button.
16.On the Corel Account Web page, use your user name and password to continue.
17.At the AACS key update is now finished prompt, click the OK button.

This should solve the issue. Thank you.

Kind Regards,