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Help with VGN FW31J Wireless Problem


Help with VGN FW31J Wireless Problem

Hi All

I would be pleased to hear if anyone with the above or similar FW series laptop has a problem with their wireless? I have a Belkin wireless 2.4hz 802.11b/g router and have set the FW (vista home premium) to accept this but the connection keeps on failing. The connection just drops and you have to disconnect and reconnect and it works fine for a while then drops again....ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!

I have another vaio laptop (VGN A417S) on the same network running XP (but old intel wireless adaptor - no 5.4hz, only 2.4hz and no 802.11n) and this connects fast and fine with no dropouts at all (even the PS3 works fine with the belkin!)

Please, does anyone have any ideas? as the only option seems to be a new wireless router or has my laptop got a problem??



Hi Tiddly and welcome to Club Vaio.

It is a wireless driver problem. Update your Wireless driver to the latest Intel version.

You can download it from here - it is the Driver (No 1): -

Intel 4965AGN Version

I think this will fix your problem with connection.



:slight_smile: Hello, I had similar problem with my new TT21XN purchased last week and your solution / driver update helped me too.

Hi Tiddly and welcome to Club Vaio.

It is a wireless driver problem. Update your Wireless driver to the latest Intel version.

You can download it from here - it is the Driver (No 1): -

Intel 4965AGN Version

I think this will fix your problem with connection.



Many thanks for your reply and help.

I have downloaded the driver (no hassle too - great!) so fingers crossed - seems to be working fine so far!

Thanks again!


Hi Again!

Hope you don't mind me asking but....

Sorry to be a pain but i have another problem with internet explorer on a particular website - talktalk email (via aol?).

When i log in the page goes to load but then is stopped with a warning window headed and saying;

Microsoft Visual C++ runtime library

Runtime error!

Program C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe

This application has requested the runtime to terminate in an unusual way.

Please contact the application support team for more information

I guess i should email microsoft or try a forum there? But thought you might know something!!

Thanks again for any help, very much appreciated!


Hi Alche - welcome to Club Vaio.

Hi Tiddly,

Unfortunately this one is not so easy and will require some detective work on your part. There are three things to try: -

1. In Internet Explorer click on TOOLS and select INTERNET OPTIONS. Choose the ADVANCED Tab and scroll down to the BROWSER Section. Make sure "Disable Script Debugging (IE)" and "Disable Script Debugging (Other)" are checked with a tick. It is likely that these will already be selected but check anyway.

2. The most likely cause is a Browser Add-On. The problem is which one!!!! Close down IE and reopen by right-clicking on the IE icon. Select "Open without Add-Ons". You will get a warning page - just click on the House icon to go to your Homepage. Ignore all warnings and check your AOL/Talk Talk Mail. If it works you will at least know the cause!. You will now have to find out which Add-On is the culprit. Reopen IE normally and click on TOOLS -> MANAGE ADD-ONS. Disable each add-on until you find the problem. It will usually be a toolbar add-in so start with those first - Google is always a favorite. Include any AOL toolbars in your search. When you find it (them) leave it disabled. Most don't do anything essential and you may choose to disable all the Toolbars and Toolbar Helpers.

3. If all else fails, try a proper browser instead of IE. Give Firefox a go - you may never wish to use IE again!!! I think most of us here use it. Just leave IE as your default browser as Vaio Update only uses IE.

Good Luck.



Hi Blencogo,

Sorry for late reply to your kind email.

I did all you said and unfortunately nothing seems to cure the error........however, many thanks for your firefox tip - i have downloaded that and it works great! Talktalk email works fine and as you say, i may stick with it!

Thanks again for all your help, much appreciated.
