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Hi everybody,
It was a difficult decision for me to choose Sony VAIO as there were other laptops from comptetitor brands which came with XP. But I stumbed upon this link:
and I trusted Sony's professionalism that nothing would go wrong. But actually, when I got my laptop, registered it and tried to enter the details it didn't work. According to tech support they don't support downgrades for this series of laptops. I guess since it "only" cost me 1k euro it's not nearly as important as the business laptops. Nice start.
So now I'm relying on the goodwill of fellow VAIO owners for advice. I need a full list of drivers and their whereabouts before I can downgrade to XP. I guess the main ones are the floppy disk SATA drivers for the XP install and the network card drivers.
If anyone has any experience with downgrading any of the laptops in this series (N31X and N38X) please any advice you can give me is really appreciated.
Hi phalaris and welcome to Club Vaio.
As you have found out Sony do not support XP on the N-Series Vaios so make sure you create recovery discs using the 'Vaio Recovery Utility' as you may need to reinstall Vista in the event of a warranty claim.
The last N-Series model released with XP as the OS was the VGN-N11S and I have just had a quick look at the specs and luckily they look almost identical to yours so the XP Drivers and the XP Utilities for that model should be all you need to install XP.
Download the Original Drivers Package and the Original Utilities Package for the N11S from here: -
Both downloads will be .ZIP files so you will need to right-click on them and choose "Extract All". Most Utilities will have a 'Setup.EXE' to run and so will some drivers but others will need installing from Device Manager.
Good Luck!
Thank you so much for replying,
So the last two files (original drivers and original utilities) include everything that would be needed for the N38Z? I don't want to bloat my fresh XP install but I would like to have everything working.
Also, do you have any recommendation as regards the SATA AHCI controller driver? I've got a floppy that I used to install XP Pro on a friends HP Presario, and my guess would be that the driver is universal. I don't want to end up with no driver and no OS during the installation though.
And lastly, do you recommend I flash the bios first? What is the latest bios for this type of system? At the moment I have Phoenix Technologies LTD R0100J4 02/08/2007.
Is the one posted on the download page you linked me (BIOS Update R0030J4) the latest?
Thank you very much, I really appreciate it. If you want any additional info I can post a Belarc audit.
Hi Blencogo,
also thanks from my side!
Works absolute flawless.
But I have a few questions regarding the Utils-Package.
I don't now what the programms in that package are good for.
Utils Installer 1 SonyUtils DLL
Utils Installer 2 Sony Shared Library
Utils Installer Battery Checker
Utils Installer Setting Utility Series
Utils Installer Sony MP4 Shared Library
Utils Installer Sony Video Shared Library
Utils Installer VAIO Control Center
Utils Installer VAIO Event Service
Utils Installer VAIO Power Management
Utils Installer Wireless LAN Starter
Utils Installer Wireless Switch Setting Utility
Would it be possible, that you or someone else can give me an short description of every item? That would be great.
I have installed them all by I have no idea that they're doing.
The N11S Driver download does not include a SATA driver although the HDD is definitely a SATA drive. Perhaps someone who has done this downgrade can put me right, but I think SATA support is provided by the Intel Chipset drivers which are supplied in the download.
I think you will be able to install XP without the need for a floppy disc and pressing F6. I think that the SATA Controller is set to Legacy Mode in the BIOS on the N-Series. Legacy will allow the system to see the hard drive as an ATA Device and will run the install in enhanced PATA mode.
I don't think you will need it but the link for the SATA Controller for the Intel 945GM chipset is here: -
Personally, I would leave the BIOS alone!!!
I am pretty sure that all the drivers and utilities needed should be in the two downloaded .ZIP files. However, I have not done this downgrade so I cannot swear that you will not need to track down a few drivers from the manufacturers sites. No guarantees I'm afraid.
Hi Blencogo,
your right, there is no need for a floppy or F6 during the installation.
Hi Tom,
Glad you've managed to install XP.
Thanks for that information - that should help phalaris!
I'm not exactly sure what all the Utilities do but as they only take up a small amount of disc space, I usually recommend you install them all. If you don't something just won't work.
Some like the LAN Utilities are self-explanatory but Sony Utilities, Sony Shared Library and Vaio Event Service control all your special keys and Fn keys for screen brightness, speaker volume, etc.
Vaio Control Panel puts a utility into Control Panel to show system information and settings.
Power Management controls battery and fan usage and optimises battery stamina.
I'm sure someone else will know more about this than I do!!
Hi Blencogo,
thanks again for your help!
Fortunately there are not so many special keys.
Do you think, that Vaio Event Service also controlles the little Slider on the side, that says WLAN on/off?
In both positions XP says "No WLAN available". So I was wondering if I have missed to intall something.
The switch should be controlled by the Wireless Switch Setting Utility. Do you have a small green square in the system tray? If so try clicking on it and checking the box 'Enable 2.4GHz WLAN'
Have you installed the wireless driver? There are two options in the Drivers download. Check first but I think you will have the Intel PROWireless. It should be in the Drivers download and you need to run the .EXE file
Or there is an updated XP Driver on the Intel Website.
Oh, ok I will try this.
I have only installed the driver in the folder "WirelessLan1".