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I am real problem.. please help...
I am tried to recover my vaio using recovery discs and ended up with Error 305:69 followed by Error 331. Then I learned that it could be with recovery discs failure eventhough recovery discs look new.
Then I tried with f10 option, but I am getting Error: 383 with Restore C:Drive option
I brought my VAIO VGN FW21L on 1st Jan 2009 from UK and now we have moved to CANADA since April 2009.
Please help me what I can do next as my VAIO is still under warranty.
I am not bit lost.. I love my VAIO. please help
Hi Ramesh and welcome.
Try resetting the BIOS Defaults and then try F10.
1. Turn on your VAIO.
2. When you see the Sony logo, press F2 several times.
3. You will get the PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility window.
4. Press F9 to get default values and then press ENTER to confirm.
5. Press F10 to save changes and exit and then press ENTER to confirm.
6. You have restored the default values and your VAIO will now restart.
Is there a reason why you cannot choose to 'Restore Complete System' rather than 'Restore Drive C:'? Unless you have created a drive 😧 or another partition that you wish to keep, try the complete restore as it is often more successful.
If you still need Vaio Support, Click on SUPPORT at the very top of this page and Log-In to the Support Page by entering your model in the boxes on the right. Choose 'Get In Touch'
After pressing F2 I am getting Aptio Setup Utility, I dont see anything like PhoenixBIOS and F9 has not affect on this screen. I did restore default BIOS setting using F3 and F4 to save and exit.
Now restore with F10 option given error like "Cannot use this recovery disc for this computer. Confirm the model type" followed by "Error:MakeIniFromMcode, Error:114"
I am totally lost. Could you please help me with next action ?
If I try to use recovery discs with Restore C:drive option I get error like "Your C: drive is too small or may not exist. Click OK to return to the VAIO Recovery Center main menu. From the menu, select "Restore Complete System" to perform a complete system recovery"
If I try to use recovery discs with Restore complete System option I get Error:305:69 during the 3rd disc restore and first two disks restore seems to go fine.
Does this give you any hints ?
Hi Ramesh,
Sorry - you must have an AMI BIOS on your model.
If you cannot use F10 after resetting the BIOS defaults then there is a fault with either the BIOS or with your Hard Disc Recovery Partition.
Either of these will need a repair by Sony - you will need to contact Sony Europe via the SUPPORT tab at the top of this page.
Why do you need to recover the system? The cause may give us a clue to what has caused the problem.
Thanks for response. My Vista was frequently hanging these days. I tried restoring with different restore points which did not help. Hence I was trying to do full restore/recovery using recovery discs and now totally lost. Is there anyway my warranty can be transferred to Sony support CANADA ?
Unless you bought an additional International Warranty your first post of call should be Sony Europe.
They will advise you of the way forward.
I noticed that in my 3rd recovery disk p27.sny is corrupted. Is there any way to get p27.sny file for download. If I get p27.sny I can create a new recovery disc. Mostly that should my problem. Can you make p27.sny available to me some how ?
OR help me sending recovery discs to my CANADA address ?
As Blencogo's mentioned you'll need to contact Sony Vaio support you can find contact details for Sony Vaio support by doing the following..
Open Vaio support, either by clicking Support at the top of this page or use the following link:Vaio support
Under Log-in option 2: Select your VAIO model, next to Select Model Category - Select your model from the drop down list...
Then next to Select Model..
Then click Log-In
Once logged select Get In Touch.
Hopefully they'll be able to assist with the recovery disc's..
Unfortunately I have not been successful to get recovery CDs. I was told that I will be charged to get recovery CDs even though there is poor recovery option(f10) designed by Sony.
Can you please tell me if I manage to get a VISTA CD will I be able to install with VISTA product key mentioned on my laptop ?
OR can you please advice me which Linux version suits my model if I decide to install Linux to get my laptop in a working state at the earliest ?
I am bit disappointed not to get sony support even having my laptop in warranty period.