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Connecting VGXTP3ZB to a Pioneer PDP 504HDE


Connecting VGXTP3ZB to a Pioneer PDP 504HDE

I'm trying to connect my new VGXTP3ZB to my TV (Pioneer PDP404HDE). The resolution options on NVIDIA control panel only allow for 576p EDTV for a PDP-RO4. This gives a picture which provides for less resolution than the TV is capable of and Blu-ray discs do not display at all. Any ideas on how I can fix this?


Welcome tothe club,
I have looked at the specs of your TV and it has 3x HDMI and should you are using a good quality HDMI to HDMI cable as when you toggle Fn+F5 it should automatically detect the best possible resolution I've been looking for the 1920x1080p specnot easy to find but I'm sure it is pumping out that resolution


Thanks for replying Tony. My TV only has 1 HDMI input and that is a 3 part component video (old pioneer). The display options tha Vaio gives me are below the screens capabilities and, I presume, below that required forf blu-ray which is why I get no blu-ray picture. Is there any way I can force the vaio to push out a higher definition hdmi signal?