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Can someone please help me!!????????


Can someone please help me!!????????

I was wondering if you could help me? :thinking:
I'm not the most computer savvy person around.
I have a VGN-NS25GS and all of my music in itunes keeps disappearing...!
I'm really really gutted and just want to update my ipod and add music/videos etc...
After doing a bit of research on the net I have discovered that there are a LOT of other people out there having the same issue...
Unfortunately I don't really understand all of the technical jargon they talk about in regards to fixes... :slight_frown:
I don't even know if I'm doing this post right!
Could someone please give me some step by step instructions on what I need to do? I have a crap load of music which is still on the computer but everytime I open itunes it's gone...
Your help would be MUCH appreciated...


Hi kyliel1 and welcome.

The earlier versions of Vaio Entertainment platform caused a conflict with iTunes. There are various workarounds but I would first check whether there is a Vaio Entertainment Platform update (3.4 or above) available for your model. This update is supposed to resolve the issue.

The simplest way to check is probably to run Vaio Update by either double clicking the icon in the system tray or by clicking Start > All Programs,scroll down to Vaio Update > Go to Vaio Web Support. You can also click on Support at the top of this page and select Application and Driver Updates.

EDIT: I have just realised that the VGN-25G/S is not a European model. You will need to visit Sony Asia Pacific to download an update. Try:

Go n-éirí an bóthar leat

Hi Kylie,

Try to find the update as Rich has suggested but if all else fails try this: -

Just rename the iTunes directory. The problem id that Vaio Media and iTunes have the same default directory and they want to clear each others music!

Good Luck.



Great, I will give it a go.

Thank you very much :wink: