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Just bought a Sony Laptop with Vista Home Premium - 'like the laptop, still deciding about the OS!
I have a BT broadband account and Home Hub. With XP, BT Desktop Help allowed easy set up and a password / connection box
With Vista, I'm struggling to create a dedicated connection - I have to faff around disconnecting then reconnecting the wifi link, then selecting internet explorer with the BT internet home address - which can't be right!
I'd be grateful if anyone could advise how to do a proper BT Broadband setup - or when BT Desktop help might support Vista?
Are you trying to set up a connection to the router?
If so this is how:
1. Start -> Connect to.
You get pic1.
2. Double click on your network name.
After a few seconds you will get Pic2.
3. Enter the network password (Usually found on the rear of the BT units)
4. Click connect and the next screen is displayed (Pic3)
5. Make sure both boxes are checked and it should connect every time.
If in IE you wish to change a setting within the router click here (Works for BTHomeHub)
Hi Matt
Thanks for the quick reply - I appreciate your help.
I did as you describe but after shutting down or going into "sleep" mode the wifi link is "unrecognised" - but works again if I disconnect and reconnect.
I'm using a default address in Internet Explorer to take me directly to and I'm wondering if that's where the problem is ....
Thanks again
Could this be what you are looking for?
If this doesn't work then assign the attached file to a shortcut key and run it whenever it doesn't properly connect instead of disconnecting/reconnecting.
Mr Wilson, you are a hero Sir!
The hotfix was just what was needed.
Thanks for your time!
You are very welcome
Nice guide Matt
Hi - I bought my laptop back in April and had a very long wait to get any connection to my wireless BT Home Hub. I spent a day on the phone with BT help and at the end they claimed everything from their end was fine. Spent several days on to Sony Help who eventually agreed to take my laptop back and get the wireless thingy checked out. It came back a few days later and the problem still persisted. Then Sony sent me some patches and this seemed to rectify the problem. I believe it is a Vista issue and while I can get connected ok now it sill breaks down sometimes so it's not very stable. Hate Vista....not really much help to you I know but had to get this off my chest...Cheers
Hi - I bought my laptop back in April and had a very long wait to get any connection to my wireless BT Home Hub. I spent a day on the phone with BT help and at the end they claimed everything from their end was fine. Spent several days on to Sony Help who eventually agreed to take my laptop back and get the wireless thingy checked out. It came back a few days later and the problem still persisted. Then Sony sent me some patches and this seemed to rectify the problem. I believe it is a Vista issue and while I can get connected ok now it sill breaks down sometimes so it's not very stable. Hate Vista....not really much help to you I know but had to get this off my chest...Cheers