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Blu ray doesn't play on Sony VGN AR11S

Blu ray doesn't play on Sony VGN AR11S

This is my first post and am desperate for help.
I brought a second hand sony vaio ar11s yesterday, and it won't play blu ray dvd's. It does play normal ones though. When I put them in, it just makes a load of noise and then says no disk in drive. I tried to look up WinDVD and have on the system the 06 version, I think this may be the problem but don't know what to do?
Please help!!!


Hi 1mhward and welcome.

You need a blu-ray drive and 'WinDVD BD for Vaio' installed to play blu-ray discs.

Please check your drive type in Device Manager.

Please check your WinDVD BD version:
1. Open the directory "C:\Program Files\InterVideo\DVDBD8\" .
2. Right-click the file "WinDVD.exe", choose "Properties", click "Details" tab.
3. What does the "File version" say?


Hi thanks for replying. It has a blu ray drive. The win dvd is 06, i don't have the laptop so don't know the whole file type. I tried to download an upgrade but it said 'need orignal win dvd bd installed. The person who had it before used cyberlink , but when I tried to use this it says incompatible graphics driver. I'm really confused, becasue I thought I could just put a blu ray disk in and it would play with real player or windows media?

Hi 1mhward,

to play BD on your Vaio you'll need an application that supports BD's, did the person you bought your Vaio from remove the original sony supplied windows XP and pre-installed applications.?

If so have you tried running a system recovery, this should allow you to recover your Vaio back to the original installed OS and programs just as it was when purchased.

Hiya, thanks for everyones help. It still isn't working though. I went out and paid for win dvd 9 plus blu ray, but this didn't work as there was only sound and no picture 😞 Will a system recovery work and how do you do it. Do you think it will work because I don't want to delete everything if it isn't going to work. If it does, will I need to download upgrades, because it will still be the old one put on in 2006? Where to I get these upgrades? Thanks again for all your help