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Addition of 2nd Hard Drive to PCV RX202


Addition of 2nd Hard Drive to PCV RX202

I have an PCV RX202 Desktop PC and would like to add a 2nd hard drive for video editing. I assume that there is no space in the PC's casing for a 2nd hard drive. If this is the case can you help with advice as to what type of external hard drive I should look to add please. I intend to add a drive with at least 60Gbytes.




Well - looking in the side of this HP that's next to me (which has the side panel off from where I was mucking with an old AHA-2920 card earlier), I can see how it makes it easier for your average 'user' (ahem, sorry folks :smileygrin:) to add a new drive..

The cable is there with two connectors, each one clearly marked as "Drive 0" (the factory equipped drive) and "Drive 1" for where you add a second drive.. Makes it all nicely plug & play for people, really..

It's probably only me it catches out :smileygrin:

Yeah but thats a nice feature for people who are learning to build PCs.


Yeah but thats a nice feature for people who are learning to build PCs.

There are not only positive sides to this. Keeping the user dumb is one main trend for the past years. When you tell someone to type a few simple commands they will very lilkely need minute instructions.

I remmeber a phone call a couple of years ago with an early case of this:

"go to the dos-prompt"
*silence* "what?"
"the command prompt"
"the black thing"

That was Windows 3.11. I shudder when I extrapolate this to the current date and XP.


I get calls like that every day :slight_frown: (And I'm not even meant to be front line support..)..

The worst thing is - some of those calls are from our own staff! (We're an IT company, software house to be exact)

Sigh. :slight_smile:

I remember learning the hard way, 386sx's, DOS, maybe a proprietory GUI thing (Well, it was a Tandy PC).. And then scrapping the lot and compiling linux kernels to go on..

Funny thing is - I remember a full kernel compile taking a few hours back then..

It still takes a few hours now on a P4.. I guess the kernel has grown some :slight_smile:


I'm looking to add a second internal drive (IBM 180Gb) to my PCV-RX1 desktop. Not having upgraded a PC's hard drive since my 486 days I'm a little confused over the difference between ATA, UIDE and IDE. Which should I be going for, or at least which will work?

Well, hard drives haven't really changed much since the 486 - except for size and UIDE. ATA used to be around too, it was 33 I think, now we have 133.

Also IBM don't make drives anymore, Hitatchi took over.