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Video Unlimited stops streaming a film every time after approx 19 minutes :(

Video Unlimited stops streaming a film every time after approx 19 minutes :(


A bit of a strange one here?

After paying for a HD film to watch.  The same film (In Time) stops every time at the same place after approx 19 minutes.  I have tried powering off my Bravia TV (KDL-40NX703) and restarting the streaming of the film but it always stops at the same place.  I have to assume it is an issue with the streaming of the film rather than the TV etc?  Has anyone else had similar issues with streaming films via Sony's Video Unlimited service? 

This is only the second time that I have streamed a HD film via Video Unlimited and the first film stopped once but I was able to continue where it stopped without further issues.

Note - I also checked that I have the lastest software update.


Message was edited by: flintst0ne

Message was edited by: flintst0ne