Sony KD-55XG7003 Constant Crashing

Sony KD-55XG7003 Constant Crashing

Regardless of firmware updates the smart functionality is constantly shutting the tv down and occasionally I have to disconnect it from the mains because it wont switch back on or turn off. Also the mirroring functionality is very ropey you need to give it a few tries before it will work. This is ultimately a design flaw because I bought it as a smart TV and the smart tv functions occasionally work. Flicking through Netflix is like holding your breath; will it freeze wont it. I have never known a TV to be so unreliable in terms of functionality. Also not all the sound settings are available you got to trick it into doing what you want it to do. I.e. Equaliser will not turn on unless you use auto volume and some sound settings don't work unless you voice zoom or volume compensation. The Sound restorer seems to be always set to off, why don't you allow people to choose their own settings its almost like its there for show, like carrot dangling. Very very disappointed its really put me off buying and further Sony products. I have already written to Sony with no response. Current firmware v8.9


How often does this happen? Does the TV reboot or just shut down? What features seem to correspond to the issue?

Couple times a week at one point everyday, It will either freeze completely or reboot or reboot and freeze or  just refuses to turn off until you unplug at the mains. I've just done ANOTHER reset checked settings and turned off silly things like samba and automated recommendations and unnecessary picture processing methods and this week its been a bit happier except now we have the problem with Netflix working occasionally. It did have  major issues with wifi saying its not connected but it was and that took multiple turn off's and on's. Netflix is the biggest problem it seems as other apps whilst fickle are much more reliable except mirroring that's got a mind of its own few tries hey presto. Technically I know what I know what I am doing just frustrating not having more control over the situation

I might change the router and see if that helps as it appears wifi / network connectivity could be the issue, maybe theres a delay in it connecting and is causing the other parts of the tv software to hang; that's the only other thing I've not tried.
Community Team

Hi Mrtigger81, try a hotspot from your phone first, that will give you the answer if it's a network issue or not BTW ^^ Let us know how did it go.



I think it's probably down to this model being completely useless.


I upgraded (hah!) from an old Bravia that worked perfectly well and attached it to the same sort of things (Aerial  + home wireless network) that were fine in the past.


Been an absolute nightmare ever since.


As it was the only new component, I'd have to say that the TV-shaped paperweight / object of hate is squarely to blame.


It acts like this is the first TV Sony have ever attemped.


Probably only a matter of time before the KD-55XG7003 gets its own category / PTSD self-help support group.

Ideally Sony should provide antipsychotics with this model and call it a feature.
Community Team

Hi David926, do you have the same model same issue? Try the usual steps as in the thread if yes.

Will do once I get a new router

Same utterly rubbish model.


Same issues as I've been complaining about on the "supposed to vaguely resemble a TV" side. (Freeview / Internet etc. fine). To be honest, I haven't bothered with the internetty / phone linky stuff. I can already see from other posters how poor it is at them. I'll just avoid that particular pit of snakes for now. Well, ... forever, really.


Thanks for suggesting "the usual steps". I really like being condescended to.


The "usual steps" are what I have to do every damn time the TV is switched on, which is why I loathe the thing.


Also, the very fact that you / Sony actually have "usual steps"? Does that not give you a bit of a clue about the thing not functioning properly for a lot of the people who were as stupid as I was to waste money on it?