iPlayer not working on my KDL EX503


iPlayer not working on my KDL EX503

When I try to launch iPlayer on my EX503 using the internet video button the screen goes black and I get a spinning wheel in the top corner as if it's trying to load but it just sticks like that.

Any idea what I can do to fix this.

I can actually get iPlayer on the TV via my Bluray player which is also a connected device. Any ideas why?

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The same thing is happening to my KDL 32CX520 since the latests update the tv did , have to unplug it to get out of the frozen tv.


Hi I have a KDL-40EX403, and I been using iplayer for at least a year with now problem. As Shane666 describes is it most probable the case of an automatic update (firmware). Just to let us know this is not an isolated issue. As soon I find out the answer/solution  I will let you know. See you!


Are you running the latest firmware. Then just do a factory reset and it should clear any glitches.



Getting same issue on a CX523.

Have made sure it's on the latest firmware, done a factory reset, rebooted the router.  Ethernet connection is not wireless but wired.  5od, LoveFilm and other Braiva Internet Video all work fine - it's just the iPlayer.  Can't even listen to the radio on the iPlayer.

The iPlayer works find (HD or SD) from PC/iPad/iPhone.

Don't remeber a firmware update for a while now so could be a change in BBC iPlayer land?

Have posted this also on the long thread in the DVD, Blu-Ray & HDD forum as people there are reporting exactly the same issues. https://www.sony.co.uk/discussions/message/743305#743305


I have same problem. I can watch demand5, LoveFilm, Sky news etc all fine it's just BBC IPlayer which no londer loads though sometimes I get as far as the BBCi-player loading screen but that's it - I've even gne out the house and left it at that satge to see if it eventually loads but it doesn't.

I subcribed to LoveFilm three days ago and connected my Lovefilm account to my TV since then I can't access i-player could this be a cause or just a co-incidence?

I have re-set factory settings, done a diagnostic check of my connection and modem.

I've emailed SONY support but heard nothing from them.


I have exactly the same problem with my 40EX403.

All other BIV content works, just not BBC iPlayer. It worked fine until a couple of weeks ago. The 'timer' symbol stays up for ages; sometimes it gets to 'iPlayer loading', but that takes ages (ages = many minutes, maybe more than an hour), and if left long enough it may display a server error.

I have checked the (wired) internet connection and internet speed - all are fine. I can access iPlayer from Wii and Apple iPad so I doubt it's the internet.

I have reset the Bravia's factory settings and done diagnostics on the TV with no success. My TV is set to update automatically.

My guess is there's been a firmware upgrade which has a bug in it; or an iPlayer change which SONY haven't caught yet. My TV is running PKG4.108EUL-0108; I can't see how to tell when that was loaded, nor how I can roll back to an older version.

SONY, I think we need your help with this please.

Message was edited by: reluctantlondoner

Message was edited by: reluctantlondoner



I have a Sony Bravia KDL-32EX723.  My ISP is Sky Broadband and I'm using a fully wired set-up (no wireless) with my broadband router plugged in to my master telephone socket.

I bought this TV in April 2011 and had no problem streaming HD content - however - recently, I've noticed that both the BBC iPlayer and the newly added BBC News video services are suffering from buffering issues.

I've now had to drop my default BBC iPlayer setting down to SD only.

Demand 5 appears to be playing without any problem.

Incidentally, reading a related post here (Written on 31-Dec-2011 11:00),  I recently recall getting a similar 'web page' style error message when  attempting to access the BBC iPlayer a couple of weeks ago - something  I've never seen before.  If I were to hazard a guess, I can vaguely  recall playing HD content without any problems before this error message  appeared a few times.  This may be unrelated, but it seems a bit of a  coincidence.


Fixed mine by reverting back to my old router. I'm on O2 and they sent me a new Thomson Router version IV which I connected last week. Even though a diagnostic check showed no problems with the router it seems from old posts from 2008 on O2 forum that the problem is with Thomson routers.

I first checked to see if I could get BBC i-player on my laptop - it would load the home page but wouldn't play any programmes.

I changed back to my old router which is still a Thomson but VII and i-player loaded on my Bravia in an instant.

I'm going to ask O2 to send me a new router as allegedly the IV was supposed to be quicker so wll let you know if I still get the same problems with I-player.


PS. Here is the link to the discussion from 2008 on O2 forum
