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Interlacing & Scanning

Interlacing & Scanning

Hi everyone,
I have had a Sony KDL40CX523BU since December 2011. I've noticed that there is some "comb effect" on the picture, around the edges of the contents of the picture, eg. titles and text, although not restricted to these.
I have been making home movies now for a number of years and as such I am familiar with the results of interlaced and progressive scanning.
The strange thing is that the "comb effect" is evident when watching a TV transmission, but worse when watching a DVD (commercially bought or homemade). Some DVDs are worse than others.
I thought the KDL40CX523BU automatically changed from interlaced to progressive scanning dependent on the signal being received, and I have scoured the menus and cannot find any way of changing the settings.
Has anyone else had this problem and is there a cure?
Any help gratefully received.