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I've downloaded and tried to run Homestream so I can stream from my Mac to my Sony Bravia TV. When I unzip the file and try to run the download it tells me that it is damaged and so will not run.
Is anybody else having this problem?
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
Hi laurencerussell,
sorry for the delay, I have been informed that the Homestream v2.0 for Mac file has been checked & should install as expected now..
If you decide to install Homestream v2.0 could you let us know if the installation is succesfull please.?
Thanks for the update.
I've tried downloading from that link and I get another error message. I've attached a link below.
I've also tried to download from the Homesteam website - and the link still doesn't work as before.
I'm thinking maybe its some error my end rather than the links!
Since Homestream is a Sony adaption to serviio, you may try to download directly from the source application at
@rooobb wrote:
Since Homestream is a Sony adaption to serviio, you may try to download directly from the source application at
Quinnicus had already suggested that earlier in the thread..:smileywink:
HI laurencerussell, my mistake with the link have corrected it now..:smileyexclaim:
Unfortunately as I don't own a MAC I can't check myself if Homestream v2.0 installs correctly but my contact assures me that it does..
However if Serviio is working then maybe worth sticking with what you have..:smileywink:
You're welcome, sorry we couldn't resolve the Homestream installation issue but at least the suggestion of Serviio gave you a working solution..
Homestream 1.1 for Mac says it's corrupted and won't unzip.
Servillo 1.4 bounces the dock icon for a while and nothing happens
Servillo 2 gives a 404 Forbidden error.
I'm on OSX Mavericks
Thank you.
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