DivX on USB playing on the 32ex713


DivX on USB playing on the 32ex713

Anyone know how to get Divx files to play from the USB stick on the above TV ?

According to the manual the TV is officially Divx compatible

I've been using the offical DivxConverter program and choosing the "Home Theater" profile as suggested on various posts [for different model TVs] but just get a "playback unavailable" message.

I've tried lots of different bit rates and no luck

The files created are all .divx files and play perfectly in the Divx Player.

I'm not an expert on all the different codecs etc. so thought if i stuck to the official converter and chose the default options i should be fine :slight_frown:

Any help would be greatly appreciated as USB playback was one of the selling points of the TV for me.



Once encoded have you tried renaming the file extension to .avi instead?



Thanks for the reply.

Unfortunately when i rename the extension to ".avi" the files no longer appear when i browse to them using the Xrossmediabar :cry: - it would seem that any file not ending in ".divx" are ignored.

Not sure if there's a way around that ?

Since i posted the original question i've discovered that the files play fine through my Xbox's USB connection [after downloading the Divx update when prompted] so that's a workable solution.

It's a pity that they won't play directly through the TV - makes u wonder what that "DivX certified" claim actually means .......... and why Sony don't put a chapter on Divx playback in the manual for goodness sake ?

Guess i'll stick to trusty old Microsoft [never thought i'd say that !]. :laughing: