Change Wi-Fi Direct SSID

Change Wi-Fi Direct SSID

I have a KDL-40EX653 and would like to know if it is possible to change or hide the SSID the TV broadcasts for Wi-Fi Direct?

It's broadcasting as DIRECT-xx-BRAVIA but I'm not keen on letting my neighbourhood know that I've got a Sony TV waiting for burglary!

I've checked Applications, Wi-Fi Direct Mode, Options, but it only lets me change Renderer Name.

Maybe I'm paranoid but I'm also security concious.


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Hi mate, I've been scouring the net for the same answer for exactly the same reasons. I've spoken to two different Sony reps at their call centre, and it is not possible to change the SSID.

I convinced the guy I spoke to today to inform his supervisor of our concerns, he seemed pretty understanding of the issues once I explained my own particular situation and the potential home security risks it creates, so perhaps this issue might just filter up the chain of command to someone who could make a difference on future models

For now though, we have no option to change the setting.


Any new info? I'm looking for the same on a W654.

I also don't like the idea of broadcasting to the world what kind of equipment I have.


You can set the device "name" (shown in some contexts on the remote devices), but not the SSID.



Not applicable

Hi there


As far as Im aware, it cannot be done.  You can change the 'device name' but no option to change SSID.  I guess if you are really security concious, you can turn off wifi and wifi direct etc, and just connect a network cable.  Other than that, I guess its Sony Support - However, I doubt it very much that they can/will change this.



That's unfortunate. It's a trivial feature to implement, they just need to add it to the GUI. They even already have a GUI screen for "name entry".



I wonder what the SSID is?


I connect to the internet using Sky which comes up on the same network settings as the Bravia ID. I am not sure that the Bravia ID actually serves any purpose.


I went in to it when it appears (does not always appear), and tried to connect. Am not sure what the pass code is so tried the Sky passcode I have as the Bravia TV that I have is connected to the internet using Sky ID. That did not work.


I use the Sony TV for screen mirroring and it works, though it does fail alot.


I am using a Dell All in One PC.


I'd be impressed if anyone can find out what the passcode is for the Bravia ID, as I have not seen it in any instruction manual.



Not applicable

Hi there


This may help:




Yes, paranoid is probably what you are.

I have thoroughly investigated this function and performed multiple tests on it.

These are my conclusions; the function is of very limited use, and the only function that works is Photo sharing.

Wi-Fi direct to share media with smartphones etc. is an absolutely useless function, as the manufacturers state that you need an app on the device as well as being connected.

To ease your worries I don't think any thief can access the network without a code, and even if they did connect it is unlikely to take them very far.