Cracks appeared on the case


Cracks appeared on the case

Cracks appeared on the case

Появились трещины на корпусе 



I've edited your post as this is an English only forum, you can use Google Translate to reply and/or post.

I'm really sorry to hear about the issue but since this is a global user based forum, it'll be better to contact your Local Support, with that said, the reason it's likely due to drops or too much pressure (perhaps sitting on the phone) 


Hi @LEXUS2, sorry to hear about this.

As @uliwooly, if the backpiece, the frame or the display of the phone has been cracked, The best thing to do is to get in contact with your local support team, they should be more than capable of arranging for the phone to be sent to an authorized service center. If you have any questions regarding the service such as service routines warranty and consumer laws, these kind of question are best answered by your local support team as well.


Unfortunately, I will support the topic.
Cracks appeared near the USB connector.
Local support also said that it was either due to a fall or because of pressure ....
But this is not so. The phone did not fall and was not subjected to pressure. From the first day of purchase is in a hard case.
Used by me the same way as previous Sony phones. But, cracks appeared on it ..