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what about vcr or dvd players. how do you keep them updated?


what about vcr or dvd players. how do you keep them updated?

Having trouble with my VCR. I think that all these voice information tools messed it. Felt like listening to the sound of "ok" passing through my smart engine. Now a cassete stuck in it with one of my favourite films. The DVD player had trouble playing specific dvds as well. Not to mention that I felt like I had to throw out all of the old mobiles. Still sounds that were being recorded are hunting us coming from recycling bins, my lost mobile, the stolen camera because I still have the charger, so from people that use the devices or the garbage. Who knows.     


Hi @flikee, welcome to the Community.


Like a lot of old tech, there are small repairers here and there that will happily check to see if a fix is possible. Of course there is a fee to pay, whether there is a fix or not, and the repair cost will always exceed everything but secondary or sentimental value. 


If the tape stuck in your VCR is worth it, you could almost certainly find a local repair centre to come to the rescue.


