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STR HD-520 indicating 8 channels while playing dts 5.1

STR HD-520 indicating 8 channels while playing dts 5.1


I've have a "problem" with my receiver which I haven't yet been able to fix and I'm hoping someone here could perhaps give me some insight.

I'm using a 5.1 speaker system with this receiver and  everything is hooked up correctly, as it works well with my laptop etc. Playing movies works great unless I choose  DTS sound, which somehow manages to disrupt the speaker configuration. Normally only the six channes are indicated on the screen, but when DTS is selected the other two channels, back right/left surround, are activated as well as the indicators are now present on the screen even though it clairly says DTS 5.1 on the amp screen. Evertyhing is configuered as 5.1, it's just during the said scenarios things get messed up.
  I'm not sure whether perhaps the indactors are just wrong, and that it is in fact  just the six active channels, but I seem to lose a bit of the power as it sounds weaker which makes me think that the last two channels are being sent but, as there are no speakers, the signals aren't being used.

Any ideas on how I can solve this?

best regards,


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Hi there

Can you clarrify that you have selected the correct speaker patten when setting up your receiver (page 30 of the manual). 

If setup correctly, what happens when you play DTS sounds and the sound field is set at A.D.F Auto?


Thanks for the reply,

What I meant was that the speakers are configured as 3/2/1 in the receiver and that nothing is connected to the back surround right/left

It changes back the the 6 channel configuration and says DTS 5.1. But A.F.D Auto and Multi Stereo don't give you a real surround as it sends out the same signal to all the speakers, which is why I prefer HD-DCS

Not applicable

ADF Auto outputs the sound that the source is encoded in, without any processing. (ie, if the DVD is encoded in 5.1, it will output in 5.1).

Multi-Stereo,will output stereo sound to all speakers.

I have just had a look through the setting of my receiver (hd820) which for all intents and purposes has the same system setup/GUI (except my speaker setup in 3/4.1). There is just very little setting that one can touch.

I am still on the opinion that its the sound field. Maybe a setting has got screwed up somewhere. Maybe a factory reset may resolve the issue?

Sorry buddy, thats as much as i can really help on your issue.

I thought about doing a hardware reset, so I might just do this otherwise I'll use it as it is even it outputs 7.1

Well thanks for trying!


I did a full reset but the problem still remains