Sony Soundbar HT-CT790 Sound Problems

Sony Soundbar HT-CT790 Sound Problems

Bought this from Currys as a tv package with a 55” Bravia TV and it was on back order for th3 past 2 weeks.

finally got it yesterday and got it set up and WOW was I disappointed! Not a patch on my 8 year old Samsung system!!


the sound level is far too low. Even at the max level of 50 it’s very underwhelming... not sure what I’m doing wrong. In the shop the guy fired it up and in a crowded and noisy shop floor (it was Black Friday weekend) the sound was amazing and really cut through.


ive tried it with the bar going into the arc hdmi on the tv and everything plugged into the tv (poor sound) and also set up as the bar as a hub with all my devices going into it then a single hdmi into the arc hdmi (sound slightly better but not loud even at 50)


tv is set to pcm, Sky is set to Dolby +


one thing i will say is my Xbox one sounds slightly better than everything else but again it’s not amazingly loud even at 50.


so what I’m asking is why is the sound level so low as I’m struggling to understand what I could be doing wrong here... I’m minutes away from phoning Currys Knowhow service and telling them to take it back...


any help is greatly appreciated 


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I tried the internal demo as you suggested and I struggled to get it up to
max as it was so loud so that appears to work however when changing back to
the Sky TV box and also music videos on Netflix I could pump the level to
50 with no problem as there is a dramatic difference in overall output
between the internal music of the soundbar to that of anything connected to
the TV.

Still struggling to understand this!