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I recently bought one of the BDV-BL600 Blu-ray players and am quite happy with it but for one issue; I can't seem to get it to properly play any HD recordings that I have made. Let me explain...
I have been recording HD via my PC using a PCTV Nanostick T290e and Windows Media Center as a .wtv file. I have then run the recorded file through VideoReDo H.264 to experiment and convert to different h.264 formats: .h2645, .mp4, .TS, .m2ts etc. This then gets placed onto an USB or DVD to attempt to play.
I had pretty much no success up to this point as the files would either play a few seconds and then freeze (no sound) or play at 5:4 (no sound) or play full screen (no sound) depending on which file extension I used. Sadly, I didn't keep records of which did what.
After a recent firmware update, I tried it again. This time I had a success by converting the .WTV file to .MP4 (minor audio recode required in VideoReDo) and I got full picture and sound. However, halfway through the programme the sound stopped. I checked the file on my PC and it was not the file's fault.
Does anyone know, or can anyone make any suggestions, as to what I may need to do to solve this last sound issue or will it be a case of waiting for a further firmware update to solve niggles like these?
Thanks for any help.