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Increase treble?

Increase treble?

I recently bought a Sony home theater system with blue ray, BDV-E380.

I am really happy about it except for this one thing.:smileyhappy:

I would like to increase the bass and treble level to the speakers. Changeing between the different functions such as movie, music, sports, hall and so on is not enough.

I used the automatic set up with the microphone and it worked but the sound was too flat. I solved the bass level problem by manually increase the bass speaker to maximum but this was not enough so I had to decrease the rest of the speakers a bit too. This I can live with…

Does anybody know if there is another “work around” to increase the treble too?

Or have I missed an equalizer function or something in the menu?

How hard can it be to include an equalizer or similar in the system? Isn´t it a software issue?

It exists in almost any mp3 player or media player for computers (but not in my old Ipod which annoys me too)… can it be updated...? I´ve updated both my tv and surroundsystem via the wireless network and it was very easy...

I think I have better sound on my two PC´s with sound systems that costs much less… at least I have better possibilitys to tune the sound... what do you think?  :wink:

I would be greatful for any information...



You are right, i checked the manual and this model doesn't have equilizer setting feature

The equilizer is not only software control issue , it is also capability of hardware component (the type of used equilizer chip) . May be this feature is available in others Sony theater systems

Message was edited by: KDL-CX520

Message was edited by: KDL-CX520 for typo correction

Message was edited by: KDL-CX520

Message was edited by: KDL-CX520 correction of information , it is morning time :slight_smile:


its unfortunate when an all in one box of tricks dont quite live up to expectation and it strikes me your never going to be completely happy with this, i mean why have a big picture with mediocre sound?, personally i would send it back and build your own home cinema set up, start with a decent Sony A/V reciever and add to the kit as you go.

theres nothing more you can do to your existing system, equaliser, software or otherwise to improve it im afraid.

Thank you very much KDL-CX520 and Bravia 55 HX923 for your answers!

I can´t blame anyone else but myself for not having done proper research before purhcase...

But I still think it is a basic function in any audio product!

I´ve asked Sony the same question and it will be intresting to see if/what they answer.

If it´s any informative I´ll let the forum know.

Thanks again!