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Blu ray software upgrade disc

Blu ray software upgrade disc

Hey everyone, could anyone tell me how or where I get a software upgrade disc for my blu ray player? I use a dongle fore the internet so cant upgrade it over the internet and it seems damn near impossible to find the information, or request one on this site. Am I missing something? I already tried to burn one which never worked despite repeated attempts. You'd think you could simply request one by email but they never even replied to my last one. Any help would be appreciated :thinking:


What model Blu-Ray player do you have?  Let us know and someone will list your options.

Have you looked on the Support web pages for your model?

For recent models, firmware upgrades can be downloaded direct from your home network but if the player is not networked you can also upgrade by downloading to your PC and transferring using a USB Stick.



Blencogo is right, if you download and burn to disc and you do not "finalise" it properly you will end up in a mess, best way by far if the player is not connected is to download it to your pc and transfer to USB then plug it in your player, the player should pick it up.

thats assuming your player even has a USB port!:smileywink:

Message was edited by: Bravia55HX923

Message was edited by: Bravia55HX923

Hey guys thanks for your replies.

My model is an S-360, it does have a USB port so I'll give that a try and let you know how it goes :slight_smile: