Hi everyone,
For a few months now I've been experiencing problems when playing a BD or DVD on my F500. There is a huge difference in volume between dialogue, music and sound effects..
I suppose the problem lies in the fact that most BD or DVD's are encoded in some form of 5.1 audio and the F500 is only a 2.1 system... Watching a movie sounds exactly like watching a movie on a 5.1 with the centrespeaker disabled. Very annoying.
Yesterday I discovered on the Dark Knight BD that there's a 2.0 channel audio included.
This almost fixes the problem. Dialogue and FX are at the same level. Only thing is: it doesn't make use of the subwoofer AND it's an 'English for the seeing-impaired'-track and thus includes commentaries about the scenery and such :-)).
Is there a way, maybe through a softwareupdate or something to force my player to play these movies in a 2.1 format?
Browsing the internet I've found more people with the same problem, so there must be something to do about it?
My TV is a Sony KDL46NX700, if that should make any difference.
Kind Regards,