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BDV-E190 DLNA issues.


BDV-E190 DLNA issues.

Hi there,

I recently purchased the bdv-e190 off of amazon (black friday deals) and have installed it properly and everything worked.

I then got an upgrade to the latest firmware pushed to the device and installed it.

after that it stopped recognising my DLNA serverS (all but one) and my cellphone can no longer be used as a remote.

I have a desktop running twonky server (windows8), a server running serviio (windows server 2012 datacenter) , none of which work, and funnily enough the only one it seems to recognise is the standard media player dlna on the laptop.

when I do a network diagnostics everything looks fine, when I do a server diagnostics I get desktop's MAC address grayed out and server's MAC grayed out too with a "failed" appearing to the right.

it's not a firewall problem as I've checked the parameters and made sure it worked, also the bdv-e is supposed to be a replacement for my LAcinema HD classic which worked with the servers without a problem.

now my questions are:

1. can I downgrade the firmware. if so, how?

2. anyone else had similar problems that they've managed to solve?

3. unrelated: It says on the box that it comes with a "the amazing spiderman" blu-ray but there was nothing in the box. am I supposed to order it somewhere or is it supposed to be in the box?

thanks in advance :


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funnily enough I did end up finding the solution to this a couple of days ago.

as to understanding why I had problems, I honestly couldn't find an answer.

What I did was: I deleted the DHCP server role from server 2012 (the role was installed but not configured, so not providing IP addresses) and then restore the player to factory settings.

the only issue I have now is I need to wait a couple of minutes for the servers to appear usable after I boot the unit, otherwise they appear grayed out.

actually now everything is working pretty well, starts up in <30s (not from standby) and except for taking a little longer to actually start playing videos I don't see much of a difference between this and my lacinema classic hd.

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Not much help, but im having the same issue with this unit. Bought at the same time as yourself. Ive got a Sony TV and a PS3 networked exactly the same as unit and both work. Getting the failed msg same as you. i wonder if it is a problem with unit.

Also, does your unit take an eternity to start-up and also seem unresponsive to changing functions. Mines is, and also put on Despicable Me disc for kids and i think it too 10 mins before we could watch film?


funnily enough I did end up finding the solution to this a couple of days ago.

as to understanding why I had problems, I honestly couldn't find an answer.

What I did was: I deleted the DHCP server role from server 2012 (the role was installed but not configured, so not providing IP addresses) and then restore the player to factory settings.

the only issue I have now is I need to wait a couple of minutes for the servers to appear usable after I boot the unit, otherwise they appear grayed out.

actually now everything is working pretty well, starts up in <30s (not from standby) and except for taking a little longer to actually start playing videos I don't see much of a difference between this and my lacinema classic hd.