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BDP-S480 - interruption while viewing DVDs

BDP-S480 - interruption while viewing DVDs

We have purchased a Blu-ray player to replace our old reliable DVD-player. It is connected to our Sony Bravia TV. We do NOT have a wi-fi or cable connection to the internet and do not want to connect one at this stage. We have no home network, no wi-fi to our computer and no cabling to our main room.

When the Blu-ray player plays DVDs it periodically stops giving a picture and seems to be 'looking' for a wi-fi connection. It continues to play the sound but either gives a black screen or changes the whole screen to a red and yellow low resolution picture. Just before it interrupts the playback the pictures goes 'snowy' - like old TVs used to when there was a motorbike going past the house or when the weather interferred with the aerial signal.

It occasionally tells us that it failed to connect to Gracenote

Some evenings this may only happen a couple of times - other evenings it can happen about twenty times during a film playback!

To get the picture back I need to stop the DVD - wait a minute and then press play again. If I press play too quickly it does not rectify the problem.

I have checked through the manual and cannot see any information that would allow me to rectify this problem. There seems to be no option to just tell the machine we do NOT want it to try to connect to the ethernet!