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RX100M2 WiFi problems!?

RX100M2 WiFi problems!?



I have connected my Sony RX100M2 to my WiFi and that worked just fine. To Pair the camera with my computer(Windows 8.1) I instlled PlayMomories Home and connected the camera with USB.


In the setup wizard I set that it was to make autoamtic backup to a specific folder on the computer without using internet storage.


The problem is that the photos are not auto moved to my computer? There is no photos in the folder. If I choose Send to computer it will try to find my computer. It manage to find the SSID after a couple of minuts but then nothing happens for a long time untill it says that it can´t communicate with the computer!?


I have the Microsoft firewall and the PlayMomories did some port settings on installation. I have tried to turn the firewall off but that does not help. I do not run any other security software.


So :


  1. What Im a I doing wrong? How do I get it to contact my Windows 8.1 computer?
  2. How can I get it to auto upload photos to my folder? I Supose that PlayMomories will hav to be started and that the correct folder have to be set in this program?
  3. The camera supports NFC but it is not working with the original Sony case(LCJ-RXC) on!? Do I really have to use NFC every time or could the camera store the connections to say 2 smartphones and the transfer photos to them without using NFC anymore?

Whe connecting the camera to the computer with USB the first time it says that it can´t be installed. But when I delete the device and connect the camera again it will be found and no exclamation mark is set on the RX100M2 device.


When the PlayMemories have began to talk to the camera, the camera device is removed and instead another devidce is addet in the device manager of Windows 8.1. I supose this is by design. There is no problem sto read the photos on the camera from within the PlayMemories at this point and the WiFi settings can be set up according to the Sony guide.


When the camera is disconnected from the USB and I choose to sent to computer it will still trying to connect to the PC but fails after a long time.


My firewall is off and I can´t see that I need to open any ports in the Netgear router. The ports should only be changed in routher if any device needs to send data online but in this case the data is sent on the LAN so not port should have to opened on the router, right?


When setting the camera to connect to the computer over Wifi there is no device added in the Device manager so it seems like the camera never connects to the computer at all. But It do find the SSID so the WiFi network seems to work.