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Is there a way to turn off image stabilisation on the HX300 for use with a tripod? All I can find is movie steadyshot, which I assume by the title is for shooting movie's only, and even with this you can't switch it off (not that I'd want to with movies)
sadly this is not an answer to the question but a plea for Sony to place an answer to the question above... so here we go.. Dear Sony ... the handbook / on line instructions does not address the issue of tripod and stabilisation ... most cameras will tell you to switch off stabilisation when using a tripod.. I cannot find anything on this model which hints at what can be done when the camera is mounted on a tripod ..............
#stabilisation #on/off #tripod #where are your productreviews #7yearsafter
Hi @Swarf051,
@Swarf051 schrieb:
sadly this is not an answer to the question but a plea for Sony to place an answer to the question above... so here we go.. Dear Sony ... the handbook / on line instructions does not address the issue of tripod and stabilisation ... most cameras will tell you to switch off stabilisation when using a tripod.. I cannot find anything on this model which hints at what can be done when the camera is mounted on a tripod
right, within the manual there's nothing said about stabilisation when using a tripod. However, on this page it is suggested to set Steady Shot to "Standard" when "shooting under stable conditions".
Additionally, under "Notes", it reads: "If you change the setting for [Movie SteadyShot], the angle of view will change." My guess would be that "Standard" means that Steady Shot is being switched off. Otherwise a different angle of view would make no sense.
With steady shot set to "Active" only a certain portion of the sensor is used for the image of a movie/picture while the remaining portions (like borders around a square) are used for stabilisation, i.e., simplified, the "inner" square (when stabilisation is set to "Active") is moved in opposition to the movements of the camera thus stabilising the resulting clip.
Therefore, when setting this option to "Standard" the camera obviously uses the sensor completely which results in a different angle of view. However, when using the full size of the sensor, there's no room left for stabilisation. That's why I'd say that setting "Movie Steady Shot" to "Standard" is the same as if they would have called it "Steady Shot Off".
That's easy to test though. Just shoot a short clip with steady shot set to standard. In case the stabiliser would still be working you should nevertheless be able to take rather stable clips without using a tripod. If any minor camera shake is visible right away in this case, steady shot will be off.
Finally: Yes, that should have been mentioned in the manual. In the manuals of newer models that tripod vs. stabiliser issue is being addressed.
Hopefully my words make some sense to you.