XG9505 55" 120hz Blurry


XG9505 55" 120hz Blurry

Well this interesting as I’ve just found out with my Sony XG9505 55" Which supports 120hz 1080P 4K 60hz which is the main reason I bought it for 120hz in 1080P.

Purchased about 8 months ago and now since I’ve just got my Nvidia RTX 3080 120hz looks absolutely awful on this screen, Icons blurry, Text is blurry and colours look off.

4K 60 is perfect crisp and clear but 120hz is making my eyes squint because it looks blurry.

Now I’m hearing for you guys with the newer model it’s still doing it but you are getting updates to address the issue.

Has anyone with an XG9505 like mine noticed this also and does anyone know if Sony have acknowledged the issue this model also?

At this point I’m not sure what to do or where I stand because this is NOT acceptable for a £1300 TV at the time of purchase, I specifically purchased it for this reason

If a TV has 120hz in it’s spec it should support it properly like a monitor without any change in clarity, Clarity does not change on 120hz on my One Plus 8 Pro mobile phone whether I use 60hz or 120hz so I don’t expect this behaviour from last years LCD flag ship either.


Are you saying that 1080p@120Hz is blurrier than 1080p@60Hz ?


Yes that's correct as mentioned in this post from Rtings.




Now that's for the newer model which Sony have acknowledged an issue and is apparently releasing an update next month for the X900or the X900H I can't remember which but initially people have started to notice since the new consoles and testing 4k 120hz on them and they've since tested 1080P 120hz with the same issue which is happening on my XG9505, I haven't heard anything about the XG9505 unless Sony can confirm here if the update is for this model also because it's producing the same issue at 120hz.


Rtings has reviewed 3 different manufacturers sets at 120hz and it's Sony's that are having this issue.


I have only just noticed this as I've got a new RTX 3080 graphics card and was testing 120hz and it's a mess to be honest, Blurry icons, Blurry text and just the overall image is making me squint horrendously.


Never heard about issues on standard hdmi 2.0 but you are comparing yourself 1080p@120hz with 1080p@60hz? Are you able to post a picture of the two with the right degree of magnifying?

Yes everything is fine in all resolutions at 60hz but as soon as I enable 120hz it looks quite off, I've took some pictures I don't know how well they've come out.


The smooth clear chrome logo is 60hz the blurry jagged edge logo is 120hz.


The Google logo if you zoom in 1 is smooth the jagged 1 is 120hz.


And text is blurry also, There is like white and grey at different levels on grey text, I don't know if you can see in these images but it looks quite awful in person.


For some reason once I uploaded them they have been rotated automatically.














Yes it is clearly blurrier my only doubt was that you were comparing 1080p@120hz  with 2160p@60Hz . I'd suggest you open a ticket to Sony support. 


Thanks, No sorry I meant 1080p 60hz is clear and 1080p 120hz is blurry, I was just referencing that forum post on Rtings that people who first initially noticed the issue was when they were connecting the new consoles at 4k 120hz but since further down the post people have tried lowering to the 1080P resolution at 120hz and noticed it's doing it there also.


There was some confusion that people initially thought it was a 4k 120hz HDMI 2.1 issue but it's not as it's doing the same on my last years flagship which now people and Rtings reviewer have noticed it's 120hz on Sony models no matter the resolution it's doing it in.


I'll open a ticket to see if they are aware it's the same issue on last years XG9505 Thanks.