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I'm at work right now, but my Wife is reporting that our 2015 Android KDL43W755C is now complelely unresponsive. Power cables have been checked so ensure they're snugly fit and fresh batteries have gone into the remote.
We have swiotched power off at source for a few mintes then power on, but still no response from the TV. We've tried holding down the power button for 30+ seconds.
Is there anything else we can try before calling into Sony support? I need to double check my remainining warranty...
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The wife has managed to resucitate the TV, after a prolonged powerdown. I really hope the Marchmallow update fixes some of these silly issues..
Hi there
Thanks for posting back. Im in Marshmallow and I find that the TV is quite responsive compared to Lollipop, however the issue of the TV switching on by itself isnt resolved. It happened to me last night - or was it this morning...