Sony XH90 Pink Screen lock up

Sony XH90 Pink Screen lock up

Hoping someone can help.

My 55" XH9005 is causing a pink screen lock up when i shut my xbox one x down.

The hdmi channel becomes unusable and switching to a different input and returning doesn't clear the problem. Only completely powering the TV off resets the hdmi port.


The xbox is connected to HDMI port 4 and enhanced features is turned on.

Also when i try to use the xbox in 1080p 120hz mode the tv changes resolution correctly but when i try to change back to 4k the xbox reports the tv isn't 4k capable and shows no 4k display option.

I have updated the tv to the latest firmware and my xbox one x is up to date.


Hi there,


Welcome to the Sony Community.


Have you tried using a different HDMI cable? 


Best wishes,


Hi Sean. Thanks for the reply. Yes i have tried multiple cables, actually i purchased new hdmi cables rated for 8k and 48gbs bandwidth when i purchased the TV.


I am actually wondering if its an hand shaking issue with the TV as i have now had a full tv lockup after turning my Denon AVR off after watching a movie. The TV reset automatically though this time. My AVR is connected to port 3 which is the arc channel.

Hi Boris,


We should start with the basics firs:


1-Update the TV:


2- Try connecting the Xbox to a different HDMI port and observe if the same will happen


3-If possible to test the Xbox with a different TV, that would be insightful


4-Reset the TV to factory settings


Let us know how it goes!



Hi Win_88

I have updated to the latest firmware through the TVs update option that is available. ( I will check online later to confirm that is the latest update).


My xbox one x is running correctly with my older XE90 in 4k. I cannot try the 120hz mode though as the XE90 doesn't support this feature like the XH90 does.


I have already reset the tv when i first had problems changing the resolution from 1080p back to 4k and also tried different hdmi ports.


As i mentioned to Sean in the previous post, i have now also got an issue with the XH90 losing its sound after shutting my AVR down.


The TV switched back to using its built in speakers correctly then 2 mins later the sound stopped working, i tried to go to settings but the Android platform become slow and un-responsive, then the TV did a full restart automaticly.


Update: Firmware was updated to the latest version.


Still having problems.

This seems rather odd. Does this lock up happen with any other device other than the xbox? And does it also happen on all display options you have access to on your xbox?

Hi Joe.

Regarding the xbox it only detects the xh90 as out putting at 1080p@60 / 120hz and 4k@60hz. There is no 1440p option for example.


The pink screen lock up has only occured using my xbox one x so far but I will try my ps4 pro to see if i can replicate it by switching resolution and shutting it down like the xbox.


My sony x800 blu-ray player has worked correctly on the few times i've used it.

My Bd player is connected through my AVR via the arc channel.

My Sky Q Sat Reciever is also connected via my AVR via Arc and is problematic but it was on my XE90 constantly losing connection and needing to be reset.


I have tried everything i can think of now ive replaced the hdmi cables, updated to the latest firmware, swapped hdmi ports and connected devices individually to the tv to test it wasnt my AVR causing issues.


I do believe its a firmware / software issue due to the deployment of the new chipset but if it does carry on, I'm reluctantly going have to return the TV.

This youtube post has nothing to do with me but this is one of the issues i'm having. Join the family! ✌🏾😁 Join the community! #QuantumNation THANKS FOR WATCHING! 》Overview: What's going on Quantum Nation? So the new Sony X900H died is 24hrs, and while NO this is NOT ...

This post i`ve tagged is exactly how my XH90 got to the pink screen lock up that i posted about.


The multi colour test pattern preceded the pink screen lock up I have encountered on HDMI port 4 on my TV when shutting down the Xbox one X.


Sony customer support have now contacted me regarding this issue and i am gathering the information they require and I will post back if I'm able with an update on my issue.


Thank you guys for your help in posting ideas for me to try.