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I have a Sony KD 49XG8096. It's currently on software revision PKG6.7220.0365EUA.
The paramount plus app is really giving issues. It's sometimes fine, then it stutters like is dropping frames or sometimes completely pauses. It restarts and lip sync is also off for a few seconds until it stabilises. It seems to get worse the further through the program it gets. Other streaming apps are fine such as Netflix and apple TV.
TV connected via ethernet directly to router, and I get 70mb download speeds. I've tried clearing cache but no difference. Anyone any ideas. I've yet to try same programs on roku box to see if it's the program, but I would have assumed if it was loads of people would be complaining.
Try deleting the app and then reloading it,
Thanks. Tried this but no resolution to the issue. Tried the paramount app on my sky q box last night and it was absolutely fine, but same program through the Sony TV app was juddering. It seems to get worse the future through a program you get. Very odd.
Hey @penfold72
Have you tried unplugging the TV from the mains for at least 2 minutes while disconnecting any device connected to it, and testing without anything connected?
I'd also recommend that you restart your internet router, or try testing with a hotspot connection from your phone.
I'll give it a go.....
Sony support don't want to know unless I factory reset the TV, but I don't feel this is warranted when it's only 1,app. I'll post back.
Yeah, I know, but they still have to advise with factory reset because sometimes it solves the issue, and sometimes not.
Let us know how did it go though
Paramount+ is really rough for me too. It's like the TV's A/V Sync correction simply doesn't take effect.
My theory is that because it uses the "Apps" input. Most other steaming apps, such as Netflix, use the "Apps (Video)" input.
Hi @penfold72, try to perform the steps here including the factory reset and test again:
This is still an issue. Don't let tech support gaslight you into thinking a factory reset will resolve anything - it rarely does.
Weirdly I can improve the lipsync by switching over to the HDMI3 eARC input prior to opening the Paramount app. If I open other inputs first, then the lipsync is way off. Yet another weird quirk of this godforsaken Sony software.
Hi @pabulous, factory reset actually solves most of the issues, what is the model number of your TV?