customer review sony bravia xr42a90k

customer review sony bravia xr42a90k

Hi I have recently bought a Sony Bravia XR42A90K tv and received an email to leave a review.

Please help other customers by leaving a review about your XR-42A90K.

However the link doesn't work :

My review comments I would like to share are:

Nice TV

When assembling clearly show where the power off switch is located - I did not fit the brackets to make the TV higher and I believe that the power button is on the bottom of the tv. and is unreachable.

Need more space between f (satellite) connectors - very tight to connect the leads.

No live tv pause/rewind (timeshift) even with a external hard drive connected - this is a major issue as I could have bought a much cheaper tv with this function.

TV Guide - no on screen search option - must use remote (rmt-tx440e) voice search

many thanks









I have a XR-42A90K the power button on the TV is on the left hand side of the TV where you can connect 1 HDMI, 1 USB, the Centre Sync connector and  the CM Mode. The power button is very small and at the top of that recessed  panel.


Don't think anywhere in Sonys sales pitch for the TV does it say you can pause and rewind live TV, so I don't know why you were expecting  that, and a much  cheaper TV would not have been oLED.

As it is now a 2 year old model I doubt Sony will re-engineer the satellite connecter spacing.


Yes and no search function on the TV guide.

Oh and I forgot, this is a link to the Sony Support page for your TV,


Here you can gain access to the online manuals, downloads (there was an update released on the

22 May) and Q&A's

Many thanks for your reply.

re sony bravia xr42a90k


I have found the very small power button on the left side however if I press it I get a menu displayed on the TV showing the following options:  

Power Vol- Vol+ Chan- Chan+ Input Restart Find Remote 

Press to Move, Press and hold to power off


Whatever I do to the physical power button nothing actually works, it sometimes moves to the adjoining option..

Press Power and hold - nothing

Move from Power(blue box) to another option nothing seems to work


The power button is extremely small


Please let me know how the power button should work as I would like to actually power off the TV when I go to bed.

many thanks




Yes  the power button is very small but there is nothing you or I can do about that.


The options given when pressing the power button do all work.


Press the power button once, the options will be displayed.

Press the power button a second time and hold the power button

the TV should shut down, short presses will advance to the other options.

You have the TV in front of you, you have the power button and you have fingers, experiment.


But this is all unnecessary as pressing the power button on the remote control(s) will turn the TV off

so there is no need to faff about with the TVs power button.

There is no difference between the two power off functions.

So go to bed with peace of mind.

Hi @cpp1006   The buttons you are referring to are to put the TV into Standby, not power it off at the Mains. To do that you would have to switch it off at the Mains. Not recommended as the TV has been designed to be be left in Standby and it would probably stress the power components shorting their life if turned on/off daily.

How to lower your TV power consumption and save energy | Sony UK