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Auto Picture Mode issues - Gaming & Apps

Auto Picture Mode issues - Gaming & Apps

Hi all,


I have a 43XF6596

I have the option on for Auto Picture to switch between watching TV and playing PS4. However recently I have noticed that if, for example, I am on Game mode and then I go to watch an app such as Amazon Prime or BBC Iplayer through the Android menu, the picture mode remains on game mode. I seem to spend half my time changing picture modes which is driving my other half mad!


Additonally, when game mode is on with auto picture mode on, when I start up the TV - the default picture (colour,brightness etc) seems to be the default factory settings for Game Mode and not my personalised setting. I can only fix this by coming out of auto picture mode and manually clicking on Game Mode again which then seems to bring back my settings. 


All this time spent fiddling with picture mode settings to get each source looking its best seems really counter productive and backwards in terms of technology and surely isnt right, is there any advice or a fix anyone can help with?



Laura Lulu


Hi @CaptainLambino,


There are many factors that could influence the behaviour you are mentioning. I'm sure that by time you will be gathering more findings on what is the most practical way of achieving your most favourable settings.


My advice for you would be:

  • Enable and disable Game Mode always when you start and stop gaming.
  • Customise a Picture Profile to your liking for each source type which you often view. Then switch manually to your Customised Picture Profile when switching sources.

This will result generally in better control of the applied settings than when using auto modes for switching. Since you are a user that notices when settings are not catching up with your expectations, you probably will be better off not using auto modes.


