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Android TV 15 minute cicle

Android TV 15 minute cicle


What Android TV (all versions including 6.0.1) does every 15 min no matter if is on or in standby?with last version 6.0.1

- when is on and have an USB stick set as internal storage it reboot itself

- when is in standby is power up (exept display) and down a few times in a row

   (usb led go on and off, hdmi connection recive signal as TV is on and off)

This ocure every 15 minutes

this happend to me on both sony TVs - KDL-43w808c and KDL-55w808c




Something is wrong with your set then. We all experienced random reboot at some point. But what you are describing is a fault not related to software.

Not applicable

Hi there


Test by removing all devices connected to the tv - ie, USB drives, HDMI cables etc.  If it still does it, factory reset the tv and test again.



Don't think is somothing wrong with my setup


tryed factory reset, disabled all autoupdates including TV channel update, didn't have any effect on this problem


The HDMI problem is know and unresolved

HDMI Handshake Issues interferring with other equipment


I'm trying 2 say there is a problem with a process that is bad implemented (sistem diagnostic, data sender, what ever) with ocure every 15 min no matter if tv is on or in stanby and now after updating to Marshmallow it manifest also when is ON with a memory stick as internal storage.

Removeing the stick doesn't reset every 15 min

Not applicable

@Anonymous - bumping this thread as a personal reminder for me to test a theory.

KDL-43w808c - set-up:

- WIFI - OFF (useing cable LAN)

- technical setup / auto channel update - OFF

- System update - OFF

- Google app update - OFF

don't know anything else i can disable so it can't be turn on while in stadby


Lan network

HDMI to PC (as secondary monitor)

Cable TV with CI+ card


- fresh factory default reset 

- normat start set-up

- app installed

   - EZ Explorer

   - Event logger


here is the log from last night when TV was in stand by captured by Event Logger (only non system app - TV not rooted and don't intend to root my TV so it has limited info)

- Time GMT +2


15 Mar 2017 1:30:12 a.m.Screen Turned OffScreen has been turned off.screeninfo
15 Mar 2017 1:37:43 a.m.Orientation Changed: [LANDSCAPE]Device orientation has changed from portrait to landscapeorientationinfo
15 Mar 2017 1:37:44 a.m.Orientation Changed: [LANDSCAPE]Device orientation has changed from portrait to landscapeorientationinfo
15 Mar 2017 1:37:51 a.m.Orientation Changed: [LANDSCAPE]Device orientation has changed from portrait to landscapeorientationinfo
15 Mar 2017 1:37:51 a.m.Orientation Changed: [LANDSCAPE]Device orientation has changed from portrait to landscapeorientationinfo
15 Mar 2017 1:52:43 a.m.Orientation Changed: [LANDSCAPE]Device orientation has changed from portrait to landscapeorientationinfo
15 Mar 2017 1:52:43 a.m.Orientation Changed: [LANDSCAPE]Device orientation has changed from portrait to landscapeorientationinfo
15 Mar 2017 2:00:02 a.m.Orientation Changed: [LANDSCAPE]Device orientation has changed from portrait to landscapeorientationinfo
15 Mar 2017 2:00:02 a.m.Orientation Changed: [LANDSCAPE]Device orientation has changed from portrait to landscapeorientationinfo
15 Mar 2017 2:15:07 a.m.Orientation Changed: [LANDSCAPE]Device orientation has changed from portrait to landscapeorientationinfo
15 Mar 2017 2:15:07 a.m.Orientation Changed: [LANDSCAPE]Device orientation has changed from portrait to landscapeorientationinfo
15 Mar 2017 2:15:09 a.m.WiFi State Changed: <font color=red>[DISCONNECTED]</font>Disconnected from WiFi network.wifiinfo
15 Mar 2017 2:15:10 a.m.App Started/Resumed: [[UNKNOWN]]Application '[UNKNOWN]'[/data/user/0/] has been started or resumed.<br>The application was brought in front of all other applications.appinfo
15 Mar 2017 2:30:12 a.m.Orientation Changed: [LANDSCAPE]Device orientation has changed from portrait to landscapeorientationinfo
15 Mar 2017 2:30:12 a.m.Orientation Changed: [LANDSCAPE]Device orientation has changed from portrait to landscapeorientationinfo
15 Mar 2017 2:45:17 a.m.Orientation Changed: [LANDSCAPE]Device orientation has changed from portrait to landscapeorientationinfo
15 Mar 2017 2:45:17 a.m.Orientation Changed: [LANDSCAPE]Device orientation has changed from portrait to landscapeorientationinfo
15 Mar 2017 2:52:44 a.m.Orientation Changed: [LANDSCAPE]Device orientation has changed from portrait to landscapeorientationinfo
15 Mar 2017 2:52:44 a.m.Orientation Changed: [LANDSCAPE]Device orientation has changed from portrait to landscapeorientationinfo
15 Mar 2017 3:00:02 a.m.Orientation Changed: [LANDSCAPE]Device orientation has changed from portrait to landscapeorientationinfo
15 Mar 2017 3:00:02 a.m.Orientation Changed: [LANDSCAPE]Device orientation has changed from portrait to landscapeorientationinfo
15 Mar 2017 3:15:07 a.m.Orientation Changed: [LANDSCAPE]Device orientation has changed from portrait to landscapeorientationinfo
15 Mar 2017 3:15:07 a.m.Orientation Changed: [LANDSCAPE]Device orientation has changed from portrait to landscapeorientationinfo
15 Mar 2017 3:33:47 a.m.Orientation Changed: [LANDSCAPE]Device orientation has changed from portrait to landscapeorientationinfo
15 Mar 2017 3:33:47 a.m.Orientation Changed: [LANDSCAPE]Device orientation has changed from portrait to landscapeorientationinfo
15 Mar 2017 3:48:52 a.m.Orientation Changed: [LANDSCAPE]Device orientation has changed from portrait to landscapeorientationinfo
15 Mar 2017 3:48:52 a.m.Orientation Changed: [LANDSCAPE]Device orientation has changed from portrait to landscapeorientationinfo
15 Mar 2017 3:53:58 a.m.Orientation Changed: [LANDSCAPE]Device orientation has changed from portrait to landscapeorientationinfo
15 Mar 2017 3:53:58 a.m.Orientation Changed: [LANDSCAPE]Device orientation has changed from portrait to landscapeorientationinfo
15 Mar 2017 7:25:23 a.m.Bluetooth State Changed: <font color=red>[DISABLED]</font>Bluetooth has been disabledbluetoothinfo
15 Mar 2017 7:25:27 a.m.Bluetooth State Changed: <font color=red>[DISABLED]</font>Bluetooth has been disabledbluetoothinfo
15 Mar 2017 7:25:27 a.m.Screen Turned OnScreen has been turned on.screeninfo


An it look like is a background system process with triger Orientation Changed: [LANDSCAPE] almost every 15 min


Hope this will help