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XZ totally hangs when charging overnight. No alarm, must reset device in morning.


XZ totally hangs when charging overnight. No alarm, must reset device in morning.

after latest update, my phone has had many problems like lag, hanging, ram consumption, etc. most of these were fixed by factory reset 2 days ago.  but after reset, both nights now, the phone completely locks up on an overnight charge. Alarm does not go off and only shows menu bar and nav buttons on screen in the morning. home screen does not reappear on its own. am using original charger and cable. no changes in usage routine. thanks in advance for any ideas.

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Hi @earh0x

Welcome to the community! 

Sorry to hear about this issue :smileyworried:, can you test the phone in safe mode and see if you have the same issue?

Let me know Slightly_smiling_Face