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Xperia XZ ringtone refuses to ring


Xperia XZ ringtone refuses to ring

I noticed that quite quickly after I had gotten my phone and downloaded some apps for it, the notifications such as messenger didn't make any sound. I didn't mind too much, until I started getting missed calls because the ringtone wouldn't ring. When choosing another ringtone, the app refused to play anything as well. The regular music app works fine, as does spotify and youtube when it comes to sound. I have no idea what's causing it. Help with the issue is much appreciated.



test the phone in >>> safe mode that will help you narrow down the issue, if it's a third party app or an update on a preloaded app. 


 Tried booting it up in safe mode according to the instructions, but it just booted normally. It seems to ring now though, so I'll wait a day or so and see if the issue comes back before marking it as solved. Thanks for the help!


Keep us updated


Hi @BrotherIceBear,

Welcome to the community.

Sometimes, putting it in to safe mode is enough to resolve some issues as it dumps the cache. Please do let us know if it keeps happening.


Hi @BrotherIceBear

Im having the same problem as you with my XZ. Started happening to me first week of december. I didnt mind it at first but it just keep getting worse. I need to restart my phone everytime it happens for the ringtones, fb messenger tone, message tones, alarm tones, etc. to work properly again.

Did you find out whats causing this problem? Please let me know. Im kinda annoyed at it now. Slightly_frowning_Face

Need help! Slightly_frowning_Face

I've talked about this problem in another post, it's happening when i turn on "do not disturb" mode many times
And it's gone when i restart my phone.

It's seems to be when the "Do not disturbed" is turned on frequently, yeah. I have it set to turn on when the weekend arrives, and since sunday it's been working fine after I restarted it. I don't know why it's doing so but I guess it's a bug or something. Can't say that I know a permanent fix, don't use the dnd mode for the time being, I guess. Hopefully, it gets fixed in an update if it's a common problem. If not, well, just hope that someone finds/knows a fix. I'll keep the thread as unsolved for now and see if someone comes along who knows more about it. 


@BrotherIceBear - Did it still happen when it is on safe mode?

I seldom use the DND mode yet I still experience the same problem with you. I just restarted my phone again and after a few minutes the ringtones are dead, again. 2 restart in less than an hour.

I hope someone knows the fix on this.

Sorry for the late answer. 

I never managed to get it to safe mode. I tried following the instructions, but it just rebooted as normal. Now though, I've noticed that it's not the DnD option that does it, as it just happened again. It seems to be messenger. When I repetedly get messeges, it stops giving off sounds for them, but in doing so it also stops the ringtone for some reason. It's like it supresses all notification sounds. 

Again, sorry for the late answer.