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Xperia Xz F8332 headphone jack


Xperia Xz F8332 headphone jack

Dear sir ,

I bought this mobile jumbo bur dubai (gitax) 31-mar2017 after one month i am facing some problem 

device audio jack not working ,I  give it for repair jombo shj(28-06-2017)and they send this technocare 

and i recevied from jumbo shj (06-07-2017), they are replace the mother borad and we chacked again but 4k camera auto turn off after 2 mint and tempratuer too high then again i submit my device technocare and they are telling  xpera XZ all same problem but i give them for repair now i am tracking this device Then status no Record and i call them then same answer this CRN no not in record so whare is my device its two time open its new phone so i buy this phone its my mistake its not supporting some application ,

somebody call me two time  sony this is contact no but responce  0




I'm sorry to hear about your issues, but this is a user based forum, you should stay in contact with your Local support