Share your experience!
Hi everyone. Please write with me understandable/basic english.
Im new user for Xperi XZ Premium. Installed build is 45.0.A.7.90
I use UCH12 Adapter (not UCH12w) and UCB 20 Cable for charging process.
My Phone(SingleSIM version) is charging very slowly. I turnet off "Battery Care" function.
My phone battery level %1 and i plug Box content adapter and cable(UCH12 and UCB 20).
My phone fully charged ~4 hours.
I watched every minute. I use Ampere and AIDA64. And i give this result.
%1 percent to %51 charged with 2380mA
%51 percent to %60 charged with 1990mA
%60 percent to %70 charged with 1510mA
%70 percent to %75 charged with 1220mA
%75 percent to %80 charged with 1020mA
%80 percent to %83 charged with 920mA
%83 percent to %85 charged with 720mA
%85 percent to %87 charged with 620mA
%87 percent to %100 charged with 530mA
What's my phone problem guys?
Thanks a lot for replies and solutions.
Anyone help?
Mine takes a while to fully charge too, about 2 hours. UCH12 charger.
It will charge very fast at first and then slow down like yours.
Looks like battery care is only to prevent the phone from overcharging at night.
4 hours is strange. Maybe something is consuming battery while you are charging the phone ? Try charging in flight mode.
My phone dechargin is normal. I take 6 hours 30 mins screen time in ~15 hours.
I calculate again. And give 2 hours 40 minutes (Battery Care turned off)
Reason: QNOVO Adaptive Charge Technology
Why does it have a feature like this?
We cannot enjoy an Quick Charge 3.0.
We benefit only to %50.
Why Sony? Why?
You think devolopers can change this values?
@Ramto_8 meant that perhaps some running apps use some power so that the phone is charging slower. for example, when you're playing a game on your phone while charging, it will charge slower than it would if it would be left alone. if a resource-intensive app is running in background, there will be the same effect. to test this, you could try boot into safe mode and try charging your phone and see if charging speed changes.
regarding Qnovo - it's supposed to prolong your battery's lifespan, so that it doesn't lose too much of its capacity over the months of usage. it shouldn't interfere with Quick Charge.
I try safe mode and no change.
I try full charge 3 XZ Premium phones.(battery care turned off)
Result is same.