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please help !! my XZ turn itself off and cannot turn it on


please help !! my XZ turn itself off and cannot turn it on

I charge my XZ last night with normal like everyday.

In the morning my XZ it's OFF

i'm try every thing to turn it's ON but now still off

please help me. (T T) 


Did you first open xperia companion?without connection of the phone.
Software repair.
Choose tablet or phone.
You go next with next page abouth you got 80% bat.
Next agree google therms.
Then it initialise.
Then you pres down volume then connect usb while stil pressed volume down.
Then you go tap next.
Untill it instal software.

Cant help otherwise.

If you still can't perform a software repair and the behaviour persists, then I'm afraid that the next course of action that I recommend would be to have you device sent to an authorized service center. I advice that you get in touch with your Local support for further assistance in doing so, as they are well informed regarding local consumer laws and service routines.

Keep me updated! Slightly_smiling_Face


Thank you everyone
Now u have my phone in return
I already sent my phone to service center
They changed Mother board and screen

I'm still thinking about what happen to make my phone failure cause i just bought it for one month

Thank you

So happy to hear that it's been resolved!

I'm afraid that I do not know what may have happened, but nonetheless I'm happy for you. Slightly_smiling_Face

Feel free to let me know should there be anything else that I may assist you with.