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Black screen and stuck when making a call


Black screen and stuck when making a call

Hello sirs, I have XZ F8332 from Thailand. The symtom is when I making a call, after choose sim for calling, the screen goes black and no call made.

- Bottom tab still works and shown but "back" button is not work during black screen

- Can exit black screen by press home or manu

- After exit black screen, phone cannot call out. When press a call button, screen blinks one time and nothing happen

- temporary solution is same as in this topic /t5/Xperia-XZ/Stuck-when-calling/m-p/1226598

And please don't mark above topic as "solved" because root cause is not solved yet.

After deny permission "phone" from "phone" app, the sim choices screen appears, I have to click "back", close phone and contact app, allow "phone" permission again.

- Another solution is make a call to this phone by others.

I've read all topics about black screen when making a call already and tried to solve problem as well but no method works.

- Ear proximity test is passed

- I tried in safe mode for short time but problem didn't happen. I'd like to try longer time but I still have to working with other apps. So I uninstall UI which I thought it might be third party that cause this problem but problem still existed.

- From my observation, I believe that problem is caused from software and about making a call period. I tried to call without sim choices screen (by Zen UI dailer app) and usually succeed.

Please fix it ASAP because phone that cannot making a call is useless phone.

Temporary solution is so annoying and not 100% fixed.




any suggestion?


Any comment?

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