My phone reboots automatically


My phone reboots automatically

 Hello. During the usage, my Xperia X Compact freezes. Neither screen or the buttoms are responding. After approximately 3 seconds, it is rebooting. But it is doing it in a strange way. Because after it starts, when I press the fingerprint sensor, it asks me to write the PIN. Also, after unlocking the phone, all the apps which were running before rebooting, are still running. I have made a Software repair, using Xperia Companion, but it still has the same issue.

 Can you help, please?  Folded_Hands Slightly_smiling_Face


Hi @Soso_M4, I am sorry to hear about this.

Is it during a specific kind of use that this is occurring or does this behaviour appear randomly?

Do you have a SD card in your phone and if so, have you tried taking out the SD card to see if the behaviour persists? If your phone works better without a SD card, the SD card that you have might be damaged and in need of replacement.

One thing that you can try is to reboot your phone in safe mode in order to see if the phone keeps restarting there. All apps downloaded from Play store is temporarily deactivated while in safe mode and by doing this you can see whether this behaviour is caused by a downloaded app. For more information on safe mode and how to use it, click here

If none of these measures including the software repair manages to improve the functionality, I suggest that you get in contact with your local support team in order to have the phone sent in to an authorized service center. If you have any questions regarding the service, such as routines, warranty and consumer laws, these type of questions are best answered by your local support team as well, as they vary between markets.

Let me know how it goes! 


 Hello @Martin Slightly_smiling_Face No, I do not have a SD card. This behaviour appears randomly. Few times it happened while I was using Youtube. Other times, while using other apps. The thing is that in all those situations, I wasn't using phone that hard, to say that it happened, because there was not enought RAM memory left.

 I haven't tried the Safe mode yet. Few days have passed, since that issue last time appeared, so let's see, how it will go.

 Thank you very much for your response.


Thank you @Soso_M4  for your quick response! 

I am glad to hear that the unwanted behavior has stopped occurring for the time being.

If it returns or if you have any further or other questions, do not hesitate to get back to me! Slightly_smiling_Face