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Sony WH-1000XM4 multipoint behavior

Sony WH-1000XM4 multipoint behavior

Regarding the behavior when I am connected to both phone and pc.


I have sound playing in the headphones from the pc.

I press play on the phone. BUT the sound still plays from the pc.

I have to turn off sound on the pc and wait for phone music to play.

This is super annoying when I am watching a live stream on pc as idle background noise.


I think the default behavior should be that phone sounds are prioritized. Or at least give us the option to use them like this. I also have some competitor headphones with multipoint and the default there is that any sounds from phone have priority. It works SO much better.


I believe the way it works is "first come first served" so priority is always to the device currently playing, have you tried having the phone play first and then switch to your PC?


You can always contact Sony directly to submit your feedback, though I've already done that for you ^^


- JD

Yes that is indeed the current behavior. I appreciate you going through the trouble to point it out for clarification.


It's just that it's much more likely for computer to always be playing sounds (such as a video stream on Twitch) than my phone to always be playing sounds. So if my phone does play sounds, it's likely more important than whatever my computer is playing. I'm sure this is just a matter of preference and it would be AMAZINGLY COOL if there would be an option to toggle this behavior.


Thanks a lot for your reply ❤️