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Windows 7 & Software


Windows 7 & Software

If you get the free upgrade to windows 7, will Sony Send out a retail disk or a vaio recovery disk which has the great software included which comes with vaio's, adobe, musicbox etc. and also to get the free uograde does it matter who i bought my vaio off aslong as it's after the 26th June?


Hi gary1993,

welcome to Club VAIO.. :slight_smile:

Below is a copy from the Vaio windows 7 upgrade FAQ ..

After installing Windows® 7, how do I get the Windows® 7 compatible version of drivers, utilities and applications originally delivered with the VAIO?

For certain VAIO models one or more supplemental disk(s) will be provided together with the Windows® 7 Installation Disk. These supplemental disk(s) will allow you to install the Windows® 7 compatible version of drivers, utilities and applications. Please note that some applications might not be provided, depending on your model.
In case your model’s Windows® 7 Installation Disk does not come with supplemental disk(s), you will need to download the Windows® 7 compatible drivers, utilities and some applications from the VAIO link website and install them.
A step-by-step instruction booklet that guides users through the installation process will be bundled with the Windows® 7 Installation Disk. This information will also be made available on the VAIO Link website.