Share your experience!
Hi there......
Lately I have been asking myself "what the hell is going on with my laptop?".
since I moved to windows vista service pack 2, reinstalled all the needs (drivers, sotware, etc) I keep listening a annoying noise come out from the computer (high pitched noise).....I cannot be in a quite place without have my headphone on. such a frustration.....
i update the bios, and nothing....i installed RightMark CPU Clock utility as a recommedation and nothing works....
Please VAIO's friend and supporter...HEEEELP MEEEEEE....
I know its a quite old lap but for me still essencial....
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Leonard
Have you checked CPU temperature?
If you are running Windows XP then try Mobile Meter . For Vista use PC WIZARD .
These are both free utilites...