I bought a new sony vaio VGN-FW31J notebook and fully installed vista. after it was fully booted and updated i took a look arround and is saw a lot of vaio programs. i first thougt that it wasn't something to worry about. but wehn i wanted to setup mij internetconnectioon like i normly do trough windows, now a vaio programm took over. the same as for audio, network, blue-tooth and the rest of realy everything in the configurationscreen. because i can work verry well with windows vista but NOT with Vaio i want to delete al those small programs from vaio. what is the best to do? delete al the vaio stuff or install vista from a new bought DVD from a local store. and what happends when i delete al the vaio stuff? will my drivers keep working. will my laptop crash *worst possible*. the main isseu is that i can't connect to my network, my pc is slowbooting because of al the vaiostuff that is booting within windows and that i cant get 300MB/S wireless lan connection. that last thing is a problem with the VAIO network connection. does annyone have an awnser for me?
PS: don't mind my english, i'm dutch originaly.