Hello everyone,
I have Sony Vaio CS11S/Q. I try to install Vista x64 but brightness keys doesn't work. I can change brightness on power managment, but when I try to pressed fn-f5/f6 nothing happen.
I try install x64 drivers form website link and drivers from oryginal directory on ftp but nothing works.
- NVidia AGEHA
- Power managment,
- Setting_Utility_Series
I install Windows 7 RC1 x86 and x64. All is workign even with brightness key
but when I close lid and laptop goes to sleep mode, after wake up brightness key doesn't work. Even on power managment there is no options to change it. A have to restart laptop. 😞
Could anyone help me. ??I wrote many times to sony vaio support but all what they sad is " Only supported os is Vista x86". Ehh, pathetic.