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Straight Vista install to new VAIO


Straight Vista install to new VAIO

Hi all,

I have just purchased a VGN-FW33G. Very happy with it :slight_smile:
However the bundled software is a bit bloated. I have un-installed most.

But I would rather have a fresh "No frills" Vista install.
So can I use my restore disks just to reinstall VISTA only without all the other guf?
OR can I purchase a new copy of VISTA and install that, then get the drivers from the restore DVD's?

Thanks in advance. Any advice would be great :slight_smile:


Hi Ryuki,

welcome to Club VAIO.. :slight_smile:

No you cannot use the recovery disc's to install just Vista however following this guide will not give you a 100% clean install, however it will reinstall the vista operating system, drivers, utilities and a couple of the pre installed applications, one of which is Win DVD DB...

Click Start, All Programs, then Vaio Recovery Center..

Click Continue on the User Account Control window

Once the Vaio Recovery Center window opens

Select Restore C: Drive then press Start..

then follow the recovery wizard..

On reboot click cancel on the message which pops up asking you if you want to finish the recovery process by installing the apps.

You should then be able to stop Vaio Application Recovery from starting if you go to start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Task Scheduler..

In task scheduler you should have three windows, Overview of Task Scheduler, then below this Task Status and finally at the bottom Active tasks..

In task scheduler go to the bottom section of the centre column (called active tasks)

Double click Vaio Application Recovery and on the right hand column, select either delete or disable..


Thanks for the reply and the welcome :slight_smile:
Ahh so if i installed from a new Vista disk I would have problems getting the drivers on?

The drivers are usually available from the support page for your model
here, however as your model is specific to Asia Pacificand not Europe
you would have to go
Here -Sony Asia
for the original Vista drivers :slight_smile:


Wow,and there are all the drivers...
Right! Im gonna go a buy a new copy of Vista. Kinda sucks that I have to buy a new one, but hey its worth it I guess, just to have a good clean no frills install...