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Firstly, I've successfully downgraded my SZ61WN to run XP. The video drivers for provided from Sony on this site say they are from Aug 2007. I tried to download and install the latest (May 2009) 8400M GS driver from Nvidia, but during the installation I was told by the installer, that my system was not supported.
Are there any updated SZ61WN Vaio specific video drivers available or just these older ones?
Thanks in advance.
What is the problem with the Sony driver? Is it giving you a particular problem? Why do you need a newer one?
It is always safest to stay with the Sony tested version as other versions may cause overheating and further damage - newest is not always best unless you need certain features like bioshock for gaming.
The latest driver that will install on your Vaio is the March 2008 version here: -
To install a later driver you must modify the installation information file (.INF) as shown on that website here: -
This must be your choice as I cannot recommend you to do this.
I downloaded the Street Fighter IV Benchmark tool and got really low results compared to a friend who runs almost the same specs laptop (same gfx chip 8400M GS). His results were fine and told him he could play the game. The tool graded him a benchmark score of A and me, a shocking E!
He asked did I have my gfx driver up to date, which lead me to this initial question.