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Full instructions to downgrade an AR31M from Vista to XP Pro


Full instructions to downgrade an AR31M from Vista to XP Pro

I am the happy owner of an AR31M, which came pre-installed with Vista. The story below explains how I managed to downgrade it back to XP Pro (UK) and got all devices to work: RAID, S-ATA, Video, Bluetooth, sound, camera, network, etcetera.

What you need before you start:
- The AR31M (in my case with 2x 100Gb S-ATA Hitachi drives)
- An XP Pro full pack installer CDRom
- The AR21M XP drivers
- The AR31M Vista drivers (for the VCC4 camera only)
- A USB floppy disk drive for accessing the RAID & S-ATA drivers during the XP-setup (unless you dare to follow this instruction)
- A floppy disk with the RAID & S-ATA drivers, here's the one I created.
- The NVidia unified GeForce Go driver plus the corresponding *.inf file from to make it recognize the AR31M's 7600 version. Here's the one I used.
- Patience.

Assuming a clean install, make sure you've backuped all your important stuff to CDRom.

Step one: install the XP basics
The challenge is to get the XP-setup to load two drivers from one floppy disk, this requires merging the txtsetp.oem files from both the S-ATA and RAID driver. Save yourself time and use the one I made, listed above. The rest is easy: press F6 at the installation start, setup will ask for the disk and assign the two drivers from the menu. Once XP is up and running (in VESA mode) run windows update.

Step two: install the video driver
The XP driver from the AR21M is supposed to work, but it doesn't run stable on (my) AR31M. Alternatively, download the NVidia unified GeForce Go driver instead, place the new *.inf file in the install directory and run setup from there. Note, check to make sure you have the right *.inf file.

Step three: sound
Install the audio-hotfix KB835221 from the AR21M audio-driver directory before installing the actual driver.

Step four: install all remaining XP drivers and utilities from the AR21M, except for Bluetooth and the camera
It may be a bit of a puzzle, but simply go through all unidentified devices in your device manager and 'update driver' with drivers from the AR21M XP driver CD. Skip the UGX driver for now.

Step five: Bluetooth
The 'unknown' UGX driver is a really annoying one. It's not recognized by XP and you can't seem to download it anywhere. I found this excellent instruction on how to trick XP into using its own driver & stack (instead of the Toshiba one) which works just as well:
Go to Device Manager and find the "UGX" with the exclamation point, and "Update Device Driver". Tell it you'll find the software, and when it gives up, tell it to show you all hardware available. Select Bluetooth, and then "Alps USB Bluetooth Adapter". Let it install the drivers. After a restart, your bluetooth adapter should be functioning normally, but with the Windows stack instead of the Toshiba one.
But... if Windows won't let you use its built-in driver, go to Device Manager, select the UGX, and go to Properties. Under the Details tab, select "Hardware IDs" in the dropdown box, and copy both of those "Vid\Usb...." strings. Edit the "bth.inf" file in your %windir\inf directory (probably c:\windows\inf), and add new lines under the Sony section, with a name of your choosing and the PnP IDs you copied above. Just follow the same format as all the other lines in the Hardware section of that file. It should be easy enough to figure out. Save it and try the above again.

Step six: the Camera
In the device manager, XP will probably already have recognized the camera as a USB Video device, and it may actually already work fine. But on my system it didn't, whenever I installed the VCC4 driver (from your AR31M-Vista driver CD), the device would fail to start. I found an instruction somewhere on the web (can't remember where exactly) suggesting this could be because of faulty power handling at USB-hub level. To bypass this, go to you Device Manager, click view-by-connection and the find the USB Hub to which the Video USB device is connected. Open its properties, click the Power Management tab and then uncheck the option allowing windows to switch the device off. This worked for me.

Step seven: the missing memory stick icon
The annoying 'blank' memorystick icon... luckily there are people on the web looking into stuff like this and publishing solutions. It's actually quite simple:
Copy snymsico.dll to your C:\WINDOWS\
Edit registry (run > regedit): HKLM > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer > AutoPlayHandlers > DeviceGroups > MemoryStick
Set Icons to %SystemRoot%\snymsico.dll,0
Set NoMediaIcons to %SystemRoot%\snymsico.dll,1
What this does is, gray out the memory stick icon when no media is inserted, then when a memory stick is inserted it changes the icon to blue.

Step eight
Enjoy your awsome AR31M, in a clean, lean and mean XP environment (and forget about Vista).

:slight_smile: Costas


Nipper99, I'm not sure you understood my post? I've had no problem installing XP as per the How To Geek guide. The problem is that once I'm in XP, my keyboard stops working.

Could anyone perhaps provide a collection of their keyboard drivers for me to play around with? Thanks.

I had the same problem until I made another disk using the software that I have recomended
and I include the BURN software as important.

Whether in replyinhg to your plea, I was right or wrong, writing the word, "Thanks" does not cost anything, especially as I was the only one that replied to your Post

That said I wish you "Good Luck",
if you feel that you need the drivers as well
I took these from my "Device Manager" =

Best Regards,



Hi Tony, well I did actually put 'thanks' at the end of my last message :wink:

Anyway, thanks for the drivers you provided. It turned out to be the mouse software that was causing the keyboard not to work! I was using the Synaptic XP drivers, but uninstalling them and replacing them with the Synaptic Vista drivers means my keyboard and mouse both work now.

I used the AR21M utilities ("Utils Installer 1 SonyUtils DLL" and "Utils Installer AV Mode Button Utility") to get the volume, mute and play/stop/skip track buttons working. Now all we need is to solve the FN key for screen brightness problem. :slight_smile:



, I'm not sure you understood my post? I've had no problem installing XP as per the How To Geek guide. The problem is that once I'm in XP, my keyboard stops working.

Could anyone perhaps provide a collection of their keyboard drivers for me to play around with? .

Dear ?,
I assumed that the "Thanks" was a pre-thanks for someone supplying the "Keyboard Drivers"
Any way its good that you are up & running, some kind person has sent me, by email, a way to sort out the FN-Brightness & EJECT problem I will be experimenting today.
I'll keep you in touch

Best Regards,



Sounds exciting! Thanks for letting us know :slight_smile:


Sounds exciting! Thanks for letting us know :slight_smile:

Dear ?
This chap Terry has been a great help with this FN EJECT S1 & S2 Problem
Please go here

Use the second one down
The New improved Version 2, washes whiter - guaranteed Version.

It worked great for me, at first I was not sure if the S1 & S2 Keys
were working, I then downloaded the AR51 Manual, because you loose it when you downgrade, this made me realise that I had not installed the Vaio
Control Centre.
After reading the Manual and installing the Vaio Control Centre everything worked a 100%, I used the AR21M Vaio Control Centre from their utils.

Many thanks again Terry

Because a couple of AR51 owners have found this procedure slightly complicated, and I'm not sure of how much you will be confident in carrying out this task if it does not look simple enough for you then I can simplify it

Please don't take offence I had to do it twice before I did it without making a mistake

Best Regards,


I am a VAIO/VISTA newbie and a technoduffer to boot!

My webcam has worked twice ever! Having read some threads, am I to believe that this is a Vista problem? I don't want to downgrade to XP but I do want my cam to work. Surely Microsoft have sorted out a fix for this! Can anyone tell me in REALLy simple terms (with links etc) what I can do? PLeeeeezE
Yours holding my breath........

NEW: To the aim I was able to install my webcam.
What I did was:
    • Install the executable driver of Vista for my model.

It worked

Hello, i have a VAIO FE-41M. I'm installed sound drivers thanks to this post:;jsessionid=380ABBE0B4BA6EC798D9719A5958...
but my camera don't work. Can you tell me how do you install the camera drivers?. Thanks.

PD: I have installed High Definition Audio Driver Package - KB835221 for windows xp and i have sound.


Hey Tony/Nipper99, sorry for taking so long to reply, I've been a little busy elsewhere.

Unfortunately I've had no success trying to implement Terry's method as suggested in the other forum. I've followed his instructions to the letter, including your added part about installing the AR21M Vaio Control Centre.

I would appreciate any help you have; here are his instructions again with a couple of questions below:

New Procedure - The dance steps are now AR51, AR51, AR41, AR41, BX4, copy.ini, restart.

01. Install SFEP [AR51] (Right Click - Install SonyNC.inf)

02. Install Sony Shared Library [AR51] and Restart when prompted

03. Install Sony Utilities DLL & Settings Utility Series [Both AR41 App files from Vaio support]

04. Install VAIO Event Service. Select Custom and Check VESUnique and Sound [BX4]

05. Copy AR51 Vista VESConfig.ini (from above zip file) to folder C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service

Either reboot the PC or follow steps 6 and 7

06. Start - Run services.msc

07. Find Vaio Event Service in the Services list and Restart the Service.

Your Fn and EJECT Buttons and now S1/S2 should now work.

Files incl. Version numbers. Double check respective version.txt if it doesn't work.

01. SFEP Driver 7.0A (SonyNC) - AR51 Drivers

02. Sony Shared Library v4.0.00.06270 - AR51 Utilities

03. Sony Utilities DLL v7.1.00.15150 - AR41 Applications

04. Settings Utility Series v2.1.00.14150 - AR41 Applications

05. Vaio Event Service v2.5.00.12210 - BX4 Applications

06. VESConfig.ini - From AR51 Vista VES (as before - the important bit being the [85]

section of the file)

I have checked my installer version numbers and they are all the same as his.

In stage (1) I am using the SFEP driver from the official AR51M drivers package. I'm simply opening the SFEP Driver (Sony) 7.0A - folder on the desktop, then right-clicking on the SonyNC.inf file and clicking install. Is this correct, or is there something else I have to do with it?

In stage (5) I'm simply dragging the VESConfig.ini from his zip file to C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service, then selecting "yes" when prompted to overwrite the existing file. I assume this is correct as well?

Then I simply reboot the PC, but there is no change and non of S1, S2, Eject or the FN +/- brightness buttons work.

Also, should I install the AR21M Control Centre before or after I've followed Terry's proceedure? I've tried both ways, but it makes no difference.

Kind regards and thanks for the help,


Hey Tony/Nipper99, sorry for taking so long to reply, I've been a little busy elsewhere.
Unfortunately I've had no success trying to implement Terry's method as suggested in the other forum. I've followed his instructions to the letter, including your added part about installing the AR21M Vaio Control Centre.

I have checked my installer version numbers and they are all the same as his.

In stage (1) I am using the SFEP driver from the official AR51M drivers package. I'm simply opening the SFEP Driver (Sony) 7.0A - folder on the desktop, then right-clicking on the SonyNC.inf file and clicking install. Is this correct, or is there something else I have to do with it?

In stage (5) I'm simply dragging the VESConfig.ini from his zip file to C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service, then selecting "yes" when prompted to overwrite the existing file. I assume this is correct as well?

Then I simply reboot the PC, but there is no change and non of S1, S2, Eject or the FN +/- brightness buttons work.

Also, should I install the AR21M Control Centre before or after I've followed Terry's proceedure? I've tried both ways, but it makes no difference.

Kind regards and thanks for the help,

Dear Mark
Sorry have been away, is it a 51M that you have or is it the 31M.
before I sit down to try and solve your problem, have you had any success since your post

Best Regards



Hello all, hope someone can help me.

There are drivers available for raid in the drivers section for the AR51m, but I can not see how to enable raid in the BIOS...

Is raid supported or not on the AR51m?

If it is, how do you enable it?

Many thanks


Hello all, hope someone can help me.

There are drivers available for raid in the drivers section for the AR51m, but I can not see how to enable raid in the BIOS...

Is raid supported or not on the AR51m?

If it is, how do you enable it?

Many thanks

Here's my thread: LINK. Apparently there is noRAID support at AR51M